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Welcome to Orb Graffiti, a place for me to write daily about life and computers. Contrary to popular belief, the two are not interchangeable. EMAIL - I publish email sometimes. If you send me an email and you want privacy or anonymity, please say so clearly at the beginning of your message.. |
October 21, 2002 - Updates at 0730 EDT
Good morning. This one's from last week:
From: David Thorarinsson
Subject: Webcam
Date: 16 Oct 2002 23:15:15 +0200Hi Brian,
Whatever happened to the webcam?
Done. http://www.orbdesigns.com/bpages/wc.html
Posted on the index page, and in Grafitti soon. Your fault, your blame.
The tricky bit in that was that the software that I built my scripts around had gone missing. That is, the site that hosted a program (or rather set of programs) under the name w3cam has gone. After quite a lot of searching, I found it on a site that allowed all of perhaps four simultaneous users on an ISDN pipe, and the place was also hosting either Blender or Broadcast 2000 (large source trees for a small pipe place). So now w3cam is available here also. So far as I know, it's supposed to work just fine with any Video4Linux supported device. I can only vouch for the Creative model CT6840 USB Webcam.
Let's see, what else is new? The Redskins still suck, the Series is tied, the election campaigns around here are nastier than anything I've ever seen on the West coast, and our sniper is still on the loose. Mike Mills said this: Brian, who just moved to this area, lives about two blocks from the school where this last shooting occurred. Welcome to Maryland, Brian, here is your body armor and trauma kit.
OK, the trash is out, my first cup of coffee is soaking into my spleen, and I guess I'd best gather myself and get into the office. Meetings and a flu shot for me today. Oh, joy and rapture. Take it easy and happy Monday!
October 22, 2002 - Updates at 0715 and
Howdy. Another exciting morning around the 'burbs here in DC Metro, with yet another shooting, back up in Montgomery County. And I've got to head in that direction momentarily, to put the Santa Fe in service to re-check the ABS/TCS systems, which are continuing to fire off intermittent warnings. While none of my route into the dealership appears to be closed at this time, it's likely to be a long drive, time-wise.
I'll be back here later. TTFN.
1600 - My, isn't this fun? Not! Safe and sound after my trip into and out of Dragnet land. I managed to figure out how to route myself into and out of Chevy Chase (where the dealership is) without much trouble. Heading CCW on the Outer Loop, the traffic was strangely light, I presume because not too many other people were as foolish as I, to head in the direction of hundreds of police and federales, with traffic stops in many places. The traffic was also light on the Inner Loop, which was no big surprise when I came upon about a dozen patrol cars that had completely blocked that route, and were walking the lanes inspecting cars and occupants, then letting a few through at a time.
I got as far as MD29, where the Outer Loop started to back up, probably from the closure of the American Legion Bridge on the other side of the county. So I bailed off the 495 and headed into the District. I stayed on that route down to 410, then cut west on that road a few miles over to Conneticut, then south again. Down to Western, over to Wisconsin, and I was there. Some heavy traffic at times, but I didn't get caught behind any inspection points. Had I done so, I'd probably still be there.
Coming back home, I kept south on Wisconsin, left on Massachusetts, to New York and eastbound homewards on 50. The whole trip took just over three hours. Not too bad. Of course, now we find that the butthead actually killed another one (the victim died in the OR, according to reports), and has gotten clean away again. So far as I can tell, that means that he'll have to kill at least one more for us to catch him, unless he's also a moron, but that appears not to be the case.
Now I have to, simply must, before I forget again, renew my IEEE and Usenix/SAGE memberships. So I'd best be about it. See you folks around.
October 23, 2002 - Updates at 0600
Good morning. Early post today, the result of my soon-to-be-realized fate in the dentist's chair. In the evaluation I got about 4 weeks ago, we found several small areas of light decay. We also looked at the broken tooth from my run to Nebraska back in August. On my visit two weeks ago I got a deep cleaning, and the broken tooth repaired. Today I'm getting all of those small areas taken care of in one sitting. Oh, joy, oh, rapture!
The over-reaction to the sniper continues. I don't mean the gridlock created by dropping a dragnet after a shooting, I can work with that as you saw in yesterday afternoon's update post. But apparently closing the schools and leaving parents to make shift to care for their own kids as best they can under the sniper's supposed threat is the best choice for many counties around here. Personally, I think they're morons. Bob has the solution in his late-afternoon update yesterday: Patrol the school perimeters with armed parents.
From my perspective this sniper creates effectively no greater risk for me and my activities than I was prone to prior to his advent. Of course, driving about the District and adjoining 'burbs, I am now liable to be stopped by federales with rifles pointed at my head while they search my trunk. Sure I trust their finger not to slip. After all, there are all those rigorous civil service exams to pass, and they'd hate to do the paperwork after killing innocent civilians, wouldn't they? <cough> Waco </cough>
I built Debian onto a client's old Toshiba Tecra 720CDT yesterday afternoon. I'll be molding that box into a mobile network diagnostics box, with a variety of tools from ethereal and nmap to nessus and snort. Fun stuff coming up with lots to learn. Now I'd best tie my shoes and go visit the dentist. See ya!
October 24, 2002 - Updates at 0730
Wooo. So we have apparently arrested some "Persons Of Interest". Why not call them suspects and be done with it? How about "Persons of Probable Weak Mental and Moral Character" (if we're aiming for political correctness), or "Most Likely to Swing From A High Branch on a Short Rope" (for the truth in advertising factor)? I like those, too. At any rate, at about 0300 this morning, according to the TV news people, they arrested a man and his 17 year old stepson. If you read me, you can find your own darned links (OK, here's one, to CNN). Please note that these people are not, according to Chief Moose via CNN, actual suspects in the shootings, but are likely to have information important to the case. We'll see, we'll see.
I have talked to a couple of people who actually have changed their habits, where they shop and get gas, etc. But they have kids to worry about, as well. The other day, Jerry ran some numbers that correlated with my own estimations: I'm more at risk driving to work than I am from this sniper. So I keep doing what I'm doing, life goes on for the living, a little sadder.
The dealership continues to investigate our problem with the ABS/TCS warning lights in the Santa Fe. This is one of those glitch prone systems that, when working properly, really provides value for us, so it's worth the trouble. Sure, in some ways it would appear that we've had basically nothing but trouble with vehicles. But now, now it's under warrantee, with a service loaner car for the duration. Much better by contrast. And of course, these are good people to deal with. They're calling, following up, generally maintaining good communications.
Also, I've just answered a couple of questions on the LinuxMuse message boards. If you haven't dropped by there lately, please do. You're welcome to join and post, ask questions and (hopefully) get answers. We're in the building stages of a nice community over there, with many helpful people who hang out. We'd also love to have any contributed articles, as both Greg and I have been busier than we suspected on the day jobs.
Speaking of day jobs, I've about two hours worth of work to do from home today, and that's it. I'm going to do a Costco run at some point, to stock up for us, as well as get goodies for our dinner party on Saturday night and candy to destroy children's teeth with on Hallowe'en. And perhaps I'll be able to pick up the car today. Wish me luck. See you later!
October 25, 2002 - Updates at 0555
Good morning, and a good morning it appears to be. Ballistics are in, and our "Persons Of Interest" are now simply "Bastards Whom We Must Find A Way To Legally Hang". At least one street interview on last night's local news broadcast said essentially the same thing: Let's bring back public executions. Hell, that'll even fall in line with Jerry's vision of Imperial America. Public executions have generally always been an event and a spectacle. Just another version of Reality TV. <shudder>
Now that the guys are in custody, we're down to our seven day's wonder for the news media, then it'll disappear until trial time, when a three day rehash comes up. Then, provided they're tried and convicted in a state with balls, we'll have one more media go-round at the time of execution. Today, though, we have interviews with the family members of John Allen Williams. Meantime, (as Jerry also noted) the profilers, former law enforcement types and other hired-gun-talking-heads who were all wet about their predictions over this are going to scramble to make their prior pronouncements fit the new facts. Or more probably they'll twist the new facts to match their previous statements. After all, if they're seen as wrong, they won't get to be a talking head anymore.
I do want to send a tip-of-the-hat to Chief Moose and his crew, including all the other jurisdictions that dropped into his lap as the shootings went on. He ran a tight ship in a tough situation. They made some mistakes, he acknowledged them and moved on, and nailed the bastards. It's not many police chiefs that get to keep control of an investigation when the ATF and the FBI jump into the game. Good job!
I did finally manage to renew my IEEE and Usenix/SAGE memberships yesterday. I also cleaned up my office a bit, clearing out some remaindered tasks that needed doing. I called the dealership to see how work on the Santa Fe was progressing. They were waiting on a part, it was on priority order, and might come in later in the day. By gum, in the late afternoon they called back and said the car was ready. So that's why I'm up so early today, to be over in Chevy Chase by 0730, when they open. I'll trade them back the service loaner for our own, and hit the road up to a client site, right up there in Rockville, where the hounds of media wait.
I'd best be going. See you!
October 26, 2002 - Updates at 0900
Hullo. Yesterday was a busy day for Zane and Mortis, what with collecting Richard Harris as well as Senator Paul Wellstone and his family, not to mention quite a number of souls at the now-ended hostage situation in Moscow and the unnamed thousands worldwide in less well-covered events. Death is news, and I'm quite frankly tired of it. Maybe I'm just not fully awake yet, and a little bitter after local events of the past three weeks...
You can come back later if you like, I'll probably be cheerier then!
October 27, 2002 - Updates at 0810
Good morning. It's a glorious day outside, more than a bit brisk but very, very pretty. Last night we had what is probably our last cookout of the season. We did a whole raft of turkey and cow burgers, along with a dog assortment, and enjoyed the company of Jim, Judy, Jim, Lee and Shelley. Sally had company, too. Ebony accompanied her people and hung out with Sally a bit (when they both weren't just looking longingly at burgers and such, waiting for anything to hit the carpet!)
I had some late email yesterday...
From: Amy
Subject: Zane and Mortis
Date: 26 Oct 2002 18:12:55 -0400Thanks for citing my book club's webpage for On a Pale Horse. I happened to notice more visitors were stopping by. You were sadly right about yesterday being a busy day for Zane and Mortis.
Denver Science Fiction & Fantasy Book Club
Hi, Amy.
Your site googled high, and after looking over the available choices, yours best quickly conveyed the sense of the book to my readers who would follow the link. And since I have a fundamental lazy streak (OK, an "occasional" fundamental lazy streak), I thought it better to link than to pick up my copy, re-read, and write a one page precis.
BTW, I had a gander through your lists, I like the selections. I'm a big Stephenson fan. I also have a couple of books to commend to your list for the future (if you haven't already):
Tea with the Black Dragon - R. A. MacAvoy
Dream Park - Niven, Pournelle & Barnes
Lucifer's Hammer (and)
The Mote in God's Eye (and)
FootfallThe last three are all by Niven & Pournelle, if I had to choose one favorite, it would be Mote...
Of course, at the moment, I'm re-reading Footfall, as well as working my way through James Glick's Chaos and a collection of SciAm, Smithsonian, Dr. Dobbs, Linux Journal, and ;login magazines that have piled up as I stayed busy on other projects. There's so much to learn, and so little life. And (*#$(@$#'s like Hussein and Bush want to %$*(*# everything up by staging a war. Every once in a while, I wonder if it isn't all staged, just like Big Time Wrestling is, for the benefit of the cabal that actually runs the world. But then I have to put on my form-fitting thought-reader-radiation reflecting aluminum foil conspiracy theory hat, and I really don't feel like doing that, not on a gorgeous Fall day.
I have a couple of projects on tap for today, along with some more Neverwinter Nights gaming. Maybe I'd best be about my business. Enjoy yourselves.
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Visit the rest of the DAYNOTES GANG, a collection of bright minds and sharp wits. Really, I don't know why they tolerate me <grin>. My personal inspiration for these pages is Dr. Jerry Pournelle. I am also indebted to Bob Thompson and Tom Syroid for their patience, guidance and feedback. Of course, I am sustained by and beholden to my lovely wife, Marcia. You can find her online too, at http://www.dutchgirl.net/. Thanks for dropping by.
All Content Copyright © 1999-2002 Brian P. Bilbrey.