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GRAFFITI -- July 05, 2004 thru July 11, 2004>> Link to the Current Week <<Last Week << Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun >> Next Week Welcome to Orb Graffiti, a place for me to write daily about life and computers. Contrary to popular belief, the two are not interchangeable. About eMail - I publish email sometimes. If you send me an email and you want privacy or anonymity, please say so clearly at the beginning of your message. |
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July 5, 2004
1111 - Good morning. Yah, I'm being a lazy bones today. Today, weather-wise, is the day yesterday should have been. Glorious and sunny. Yesterday here was grim and cloudy through the morning, dropping into lightning, thunder and outrageous downpours through the afternoon and evening.
This morning I'm working on Skype with Greg. I'm also doing backups of systems and such to DVD+RW. I'd best be about it. Later...
July 6, 2004
0745 - Good morning. I made an early start today, out of the house by 0630. If this week goes as planned, then that'll be the case each day this week, as I've changed my base of operations to cover for people out on holiday and whatnot. The good news is that the cellphone hasn't yet rung at night, but if it does, I'll be reasonably ready to help, as I have solid, consistent remote access to the systems that I'm watching over. Of course, when the phone does ring, the cable will have found a way to kill itself. Then I'm in for a decent drive to get to the point where I can do some good.
I mowed the lawns, front and back, yesterday. Fortunately, I finished before the deluge - I think we took about 1.5" of rain in half an hour. I also got most of the quarterly backups to DVD done and once finished, I'll shuttle those to the safety box one day soon. Last night we watched Cold Mountain. Marcia promised it wasn't a chick flick, and it wasn't. Dismal story, really, and an utterly predictable ending. But a good movie, filled with excellent performances, especially Nicole Kidman's. Two thumbs up.
I need to be about my business, so have a great day!
July 7, 2004
0803 - Good morning. Another day already at work after a favorable commute. The best thing about summer is all the other people taking time off, leaving the roads just a little bit freer. So that means I can spend more time here ... speaking of which, I'd best get to work. Have a great day!
July 8, 2004
0637 - Good morning. It is another three-gig day. I'll start off at my base site for the week, then head over to another client site to help recover some errant data from a tape. Thereafter, it'll be down to Rockville to swap out a Digiboard IP-to-Serial box, and do some testing. The next step (hopefully starting just after lunch) involves setting up and testing Real's new Helix Server 10 on a client box in time for a roll-out next week. Woo, should be exciting, eh?
Meantime, on the home front, we're preparing for Marcia's summer business travel season, with a week in California and a bit more in Brazil over the next month or so. Wowser. Can you say frequent flier miles? I knew you could... So we're enjoying the fruits of our labor. Yesterday's harvest of tomatoes and cucumbers turning into Gazpacho, which Marcia likes much more than I. So today, I trekked out to the garden again, first with camera, then with basket...
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First I turned right, and picked up the snap at left. More of the volunteer lilies are up, in a deeper orange than I showed in a recent post up at Orblog. Then I hiked back across the yard to get as many of the tomatoes as I could in a single frame. Third up is a shot from the head of the garden, over the top of the squash plants (afflicted by some pestilential worm) to get the corn and the tomatoes in focus. Finally, with a decent harvest of tomatoes, what's a chap to do? Make salsa, of course ... only to find out we have no chips. Aaaaargh!!! That's okay, I'll have some tomorrow.
Then we barbecued some chicken, watched some STNG, and prepped for today. Now it's time for me to get on the road. Have a great day!
July 9, 2004
0642 - Good morning. It was a moderately good day yesterday, although not everything went as planned. The RealServer installation and initial testing didn't happen during the day, so I started in on that after I got home. OpenSSH rocks! Also in consequence, today's plan has changed, I'll be going to the office and continuing to do configuration and assist in service turn-up on that server today. So I'll get to it, have a great day!
July 10, 2004
1015 - Good morning. Yeah, I'm awake, although still a bit bleary. I had a travel dream that was both interesting and no fun at the end. I had a nice long talk with Doc Searls at the airport ... so long, in fact that I missed the water taxi taking me out to the place where the planes actually landed and took off. So Marcia got the plane and I didn't. Oh, and in the middle of the night (reality, not dream), my alarm went off. I must have bumped the alarm 2 button, which has never been set, to the on position at some point. Groggy, that's what I am. The funny thing is that Doc actually is on travel at the moment, arriving in London a few hours ago. And you already knew that Marcia flies tomorrow, winging her way to California for the week of summer sales meetings.
The garden continues to produce ... um, well ... produce. Yesterday afternoon, the produce consisted mostly of cucumbers, a bumper crop for the week. And while normally Marcia would make another huge batch of Gazpacho, there's no point, given the coming week. So work and neighbors benefit from the bounty.
One of today's tasks was to get pictures of a variety of gifts that Marcia made for people out West. There's a couple of babies, either recent or soon to arrive, who are getting quilt/playmats. There are wall hangings as well as a bunch of kitchen things, from hand towels to an apron. At right I've got a snap of 4 panels from one of the baby gifts, a quilt composed of panels embroidered with butterflies in situ. More pictures on Marcia's site later today.
Lucy, of course, can't resist the temptation to get in on the picture-taking. Every time we've gotten pictures of large quilts, the little mutt has perched herself right in the frame in front of the quilt for the full shots. Here, she settled herself right below the wall hanging that Marcia was holding for a snap. Lucy couldn't tell that she wasn't going to be in the shot, so I took pity and snapped her anyway.
Marcia's got most of her gear packed, and we have some chores and errands to do, so I'll leave you to your own devices for now. Back later perhaps, on the 'blog side of things. Have a great day!
July 11, 2004
0754 - Good morning. Yah, it's been light week around here. Home ownership changes things, as well as prepping for travel, etc. As Jerry often says, I'm dancing as fast as I can. In truth, sometimes I'm merely dancing as fast as I want to, it is good on occasion to slow down a little bit. I did nearly jack all yesterday, taking a nap, going out to dinner, playing with the computer, talking to Bob and Tom at different times of the day - not really getting anything done as such. That's not an entirely bad thing, methinks.
We're up and about, getting ready to take Marcia to the airport. Lucy is glued to her side, having seen the suitcase and feeling pre-abandoned. After the drop-off, I'm going to do the weekly shopping, then head home to do some yardwork and perhaps relax just a little. Later in the day, Lucy and I will go over to have supper with Ebony and Jim.
Now for coffee and a shower. Have a great day!
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Visit the rest of the DAYNOTES GANG, a collection of bright minds and sharp wits. Really, I don't know why they tolerate me <grin>. My personal inspiration for these pages is Dr. Jerry Pournelle. I am also indebted to Bob Thompson and Tom Syroid for their patience, guidance and feedback. Of course, I am sustained by and beholden to my lovely wife, Marcia. You can find her online too, at http://www.dutchgirl.net/. Thanks for dropping by.
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