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GRAFFITI -- November 22, 2004 thru November 28, 2004>> Link to the Current Week <<Last Week << Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun >> Next Week Welcome to Orb Graffiti, a place for me to write daily about life and computers. Contrary to popular belief, the two are not interchangeable. About eMail - I publish email sometimes. If you send me an email and you want privacy or anonymity, please say so clearly at the beginning of your message. |
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November 22, 2004
No post, sorry.
November 23, 2004
0800 - Good morning. I got busy working on stuff for other people last night and entirely forgot to put up a post, my bad. Thanks for your patience, more here later...
November 24, 2004
1034 - Good morning. Yesterday was the first day of our holiday week. When I had me week off between jobs, it was the week after Marcia took the week off ... the results of bad planning. So Marcia and I planned to have this whole week ... the downside being that I don't really have any time off built up yet. So I worked on Monday, and worked and worked. Yesterday we took the dogs on an adventure - we went driving and both dogs were freaked that we were taking them somewhere to sell or dump them. That they're still with us this morning is an apparent source of great joy to them. But we got up early anyway (dogs gotta pee, life won't wait). So I kicked over to the F/X channel and watched some of the Buffy mini-marathon (ie, two shows). Soon Marcia's going shopping and I'll take the dogs for a walk. Oh, yeah... now *is* later, yes? Have a great day!
November 25, 2004
1039 - Good morning. It's Thanksgiving here in the US, when we celebrate that idyllic time in our history when we were refugees on this shore, and were sustained by the natives of these foreign shores. After the turkey coma and the football games were over, it was time to take charge, however, and we pushed and shoved until we could sing with pride "this land is our land." As they said on Buffy this morning, "After all, Ceasar didn't say, 'I came, I conquered, I feel really bad about it.' " Nope. The past is dead and gone. I'll worry about tomorrow when it comes. In the meantime, why not Adopt A Sniper. These guys watch over our guys out at the sharp end in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Marcia and her new quilting software spent time showing off to a new friend last night, while I played with the dogs, watched TV, and read from Harry Harrison's A Stainless Steel Trio. More of the same today, I'm sure, so have a lovely holiday if you're celebrating, and don't work too hard if you're not. Ciao.
November 26, 2004
1039 - Good morning. Out of the turkey coma and into the fire. Ooops, that's a mixed metaphor, isn't it. But seriously, we got the deep turkey mojo going last night, along with an Atkins-hostile helping of mashed potatoes and biscuits. Today I've got a rescue mission to go on, helping someone put a gateway in between the PC and the cable modem. I'd best get my gear together. Have a great day!
November 27, 2004
2001 - Good evening. Home, safe and sound, all dogs intact. It was touch and go at one point though, when Lucy had her teeth on Malcolm's neck on one side, and Duncan had the other side. I thought sure that Malcolm would channel his inner berserker, and we would all be BC lunch for the next few days. All's well and all that rot - Bob and I were lazy, Marcia and Barbara joined the holiday shopping regional qualifying competition. I quake in fear against the day she progresses to the nationals.
I'm doing some system reconfiguration right now, more details when I'm less busy. Have a great evening.
November 28, 2004
2111 - Good evening. There's more fettling to do here, but I've got stuff reinstalled on all of the machines around here. The purpose was to get things to the state that I want them in. In raw terms, the new Sempron 3100+ box is faster than the two year old dual Athlon. But under the real loads I put on the box, the dual is still distinctly more robust and smooth in operation. This is even true with Doom3, where the Sempron box is faster in frame rate, but skips from time to time. The dual Athlon just keeps trucking, about 3 FPS slower, but no skips at all. That's in Win2K in both cases, with an ATI 9800 XT.
Because of how I was rearranging things, I decided to swap drives between machines, and Gentoo (all of it) was specifically compiled for the K8 Sempron. That did me no good at all trying to run on the Athlon MPs. So I preserved my home, and installed Debian Sid (unstable) as my primary working OS on Vimes (the machine formerly known as Goldfinger). Also installed is the GamingOS, and a spare partition for something like a BSD or an experiment here or there.
Over on Rust (the Sempron box), I've got Xandros installed, just for fun. I'll be adding a couple of NIC cards to him soon, then retasking as a BSD Packet Filter experimental box. An otherwise lazy day around here, and I'll bore you no longer for the moment. See you next week.
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Visit the rest of the DAYNOTES GANG, a collection of bright minds and sharp wits. Really, I don't know why they tolerate me <grin>. My personal inspiration for these pages is Dr. Jerry Pournelle. I am also indebted to Bob Thompson and Tom Syroid for their patience, guidance and feedback. Of course, I am sustained by and beholden to my lovely wife, Marcia. You can find her online too, at http://www.dutchgirl.net/. Thanks for dropping by.
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