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GRAFFITI -- March 14, 2005 thru March 20, 2005>> Link to the Current Week <<Last Week << Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun >> Next Week Welcome to Orb Graffiti, a place for me to write daily about life and computers. Contrary to popular belief, the two are not interchangeable. About eMail - I publish email sometimes. If you send me an email and you want privacy or anonymity, please say so clearly at the beginning of your message. |
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March 14, 2005
0636 - Good morning. Let's finish up our battle of the bands, eh?
Let's finish up this Xandros thing, shall we? On the security front, an IPtables firewall is not running. Xandros' security is that of the services running. Like Mepis, those include Cups and Samba. Mepis turns on Apache by default. Xandros turns on parts of NFS by default, and for some reason configures X to run --nolisten on TCP, but leaves the font server interface exposed. Well, I'd call it a wash, except for the fact that Mepis actually does do IPtables firewalling by default, and provides a reasonable tool for implementing it. Mepis leads in this arena.
The application load for Xandros is unsurprisingly similar to that of Mepis. Given a compressed CD's worth of choices to be made, and starting with the rather hefty KDE suite (at version 3.3.0, back a bit to cope with some of the application integration issues that Xandros has), there's some limitations in what else can be installed. So, other than KDE, Xandros closely matches Mepis in offering Digikam, Firefox, KMail, Gaim, Skype, OpenOffice (v 1.1.2), RealPlayer10, Xine, XMMS, and a standard assortment of other KDE and stock utilities and tools. On the upside (from my perspective), Mozilla Thunderbird is also installed, and is in fact the default mail client, taking the slot held by KMail on Mepis. Also good is the thirty day trial version of Crossover Office. For times of need, Crossover Office rocks. Point to Xandros for packages offered.
On the downside,Xandros has chosen to not only differentiate their commercial offerings from the Open Circulation Edition by the integrated commercial products, but also by artificially limiting the functionality that Xandros OCE provides out of the box. I'm talking about CD burning capabilities. All CD and DVD GUI tools are front-ends for the stock Linux utilities mkisofs, cdrecord, and growisofs (that last for DVD burning). In OCE, K3B, perhaps the best CD/DVD GUI tool I've ever used, is dis-included. And the native burning capacity is limited to a 2X speed until you upgrade to a paid edition. Blech. And the firewall configuration tool they offer is a for-pay version only. Minus a point to Xandros for that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's their business model, but they're both pointless (grin) restrictions, as other installable tools are available from the Xandros "unsupported" Debian repository.
Back on the plus side again, Xandros *does* offer an "unsupported" debian repository, that still includes (as of this writing) both K3B and Guarddog. Point to Xandros for that. Oh, and to configure your system to use that repository? Fire up the Xandros Networks application, choose "Expert" from the Settings menu, then from "Set Application Sources" under the Edit Menu, check the box marked "Debian Unsupported". Many more applications are then available to you. Xandros Networks is a very well written utility, not a spot of trouble for anyone who's used the MS Update site a few times (heh heh) to figure out. Point to Xandros for XN.
Finally, Xandros' networking tools for integration with both Windows and Linux/Unix networks is simply superb. For Advanced Directory networks and proper authentication, you'll need the Business edition, but it's cheap at twice the price if that's your game. But locating, creating, using Windows and NFS resources with Xandros is dead easy - by far the best I've ever seen in a Linux distro. Two points to Xandros for making interoperability work as nearly perfectly as can be.
In summary, Xandros OCE is a strong, well-designed and integrated distribution that has very few holes. My only personal gripe is that they hold back some important functionality in the name of upgrade marketing. I think that the choices they've made there are wrong, but it's their business. That said, Xandros 3 OCE is an excellent intro to the Xandros family of distributions, from Standard through Deluxe to the-hopefully-soon-to-be-updated Business Edition. Along that upgrade path, commercial features like Crossover Office, StarOffice, and Domain integration are added, and for a reasonably modest sum. I've purchased and upgraded my Xandros license, so that should tell you something,too.
Stacking Mepis 3.3 up against Xandros 3 OCE, the point tallies come out almost even with Xandros at 7 and Mepis at 6. That means that points mean very little. I could happily live in either (or in much more obtuse distributions, for that mattter). For the cost-sensitive among those who desire a speedy install, complete functionality on their hardware, and a decent set of tools, Mepis takes home a medal. But for Windows users making their first move to Linux, Xandros OCE is a great low-cost way to get their foot in the door. If you like what you see (and many people do, just ask Bob), you'll pony up for one of the for-pay editions, and love every minute of it. And if you need solid Windows file and printer sharing integration, then Xandros of any flavour can't be beat.
I'm going to drag my yard-work aching body into work for a few hours now, and enjoy working more with fingers and brain than muscles for a few days. But I do need to get the lumber ordered for the raised-bed planters in the next day or so, for Friday delivery. By the end of next weekend, the beds will be built, and I can get the soil delivered the following weekend. Meantime, you have the best Monday you possibly can, and I'll do the same. Ciao!
March 15, 2005
0650 - Good morning. Very polite of y'all to not take me to task for not doing my normal Sunday routine the last couple of weeks. I've frankly been taken out of my routine, but I don't forget the sacrifice these soldiers make on our behalf:
I'll take a moment here to reflect on our loss, and hope that our leadership values their valor and sacrifice in pursuit of the Administration's goals.
If you've been living in a cave, but you love the Python programming language, it's not too late to jump on a burro, mule, or donkey and start heading my way. PyCon DC 2005 is just 8 short days away. It looks like it's gonna be a good 'un. Also I can point out that I carefully forgot (or blocked out of my mind) that yesterday wasn't to be a restful day at my desk - I was restructuring cubes for more QA testing area and a new person coming on board next week. So it was another pretty physical day. Today, computer hardware fun, IIRC. Now, to start up my day on an up note, there's always relaxing dog pictures available to cheer me up, and you too...
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Have a great day!
March 16, 2005
0707 - Good morning... Unless you're Verizon Wireless, in which case you can eat shit and die. Apparently Verizon Wireless unilaterally changed my service terms in July of 2003 and modified my contract termination date as a result. Apparently they show that they sent me a confirmation notice and it was my responsibility to say I didn't want that. In my book that's just plain wrong (you don't want to know the original words that were there) That means that I now owe them $175 for early contract termination. I did no such thing -- Verizon Wireless cheats and Verizon Wireless lies. I'll have to pay the money or have to fight the consequent blot on my credit record. But I'll also be working to have that money refunded. They'll need to show me that I signed for that service change, or they can face complaints through the appropriate agencies. Who regulates them? The FCC? That'll be a good starting point, make some of those Federal workers who's salaries I pay work for me for a while. I'll be the first to admit, I've spent more money than that on stupid and frivolous things, but Verizon Wireless is cheating me. Don't use them, they'll cheat you too, probably.
In other wonderful news, Marcia's going out to California next week. So instead of us going to see Gene Wilder, she'll be in California, and I'll be home after PyCon taking care of the dogs instead. That's okay, we love our mutts. And I'm running late now, so I'd best be off. Have a great day!
March 17, 2005
0655 - Good morning and Happy Saint Patrick's Day -- Up the Irish! I'm focused on doing backups and shared calendaring/contacts servers at work these days ... at least until the next (metaphorical) fire breaks out. Do I have any green to wear? Am I at all coherent? These and other questions are answered later, on... As the Tummy Churns.
Yesterday started badly, actually. I was on the road, just merging onto the Outer Loop when I realized my coffee was sitting on the shelving in the garage, doing me no good whatsoever. A Mountain Dew with a Coke chaser put that to rights, but it's not the same. This morning I'm stopping down at 84 Lumber to order the materials for my raised bed planters. I'll build them this weekend, and get the dirt delivered next weekend. Also today I'll check on the details of what I need to do to pick up the Elantra from its extended stay at the auto-hospital. Who pays what, when, and that sort of thing. On Saturday we'll return the rental car that's taken Marcia around on her errands and to daily workouts, etc. Yep, my baby is getting buff.
On the Verizon Wireless front, I went digging through my records last night, and found that I was actually still inside my two year original contract, but by less than two weeks - they could have waived the termination fee. Instead, they made up that event in July of 2003, pushing the date out past possible waiver. Bastards. I'm paid the final bill, and under separate cover sent a request for them to provide proof that I signed up for a change in plan. Something I signed saying so will be good enough. But they'll ignore this request, then in a month or so I'll have to send a certified letter, and they'll blow me off. I'll send a final letter of outrage to the FCC complaining of their behaviour, that'll be ignored. Then I'll give up, as my time spent will now be worth more than the dollar amount. Bastards. Verizon Wireless Sucks.
Okay, time to get that wood paid for. Then to work with me. Have a great day!
March 18, 2005
0628 - Good morning. Spring is almost in the air (late Sunday, if I recall correctly), but more importantly, it's Friday! The wood for the raised bed planters is begin delivered late this afternoon, and I'll move it into the back yard when I get home. Then tomorrow I'll assemble the planters and get them positioned in the yard.
Last night I reinstalled OpenBSD on the spare hardware here at home, so that I can once again do a test install of a mail server that holds out hope of replacing something slightly decrepit at work. Don't get me wrong, what's there now is fine, but backing up mbox stores that range from 10M to 2G in sized sucks. I'll be much happier to maintain and keep watch over something that uses maildirs (say, Cyrus).
Finally, for now, an email showed up on TAG that was right up my alley. I replied...
Jason Creighton wrote: >> www.movie-list.com/trailers.php?id=hitchhikersguidetothegalaxy Note to self - enjoy high bandwidth while the living is good, you'll only be able to afford dialup when you're on what's left of Social Security. That said, I pulled down both trailers, about a minute and a half each to get the ~52G files down. OB Linux: Xine is a great goodness. I watched the trailers. I laughed, I cried, I realized that no one was going to get an Oscar out of this and that indeed I might enjoy it very, very much. Mos Def appears to make a better Ford than I had suspected, and possible perfect casting has been executed to get Martin Freeman as A. Dent, and Alan Rickman as the voice of Marvin. As with everything that DNA did, there appear bits here that aren't in any of the previous versions of the same work (aka Radio vs. Books vs. TV), so I'm not surprised that I see things that I don't recognize. Yes, I think this is going to be an opening day event for me. best, .brian |
March 19, 2005
0809 - Good morning. I'm making an early start to get the planters finished up and a bit of cleaning done before dinner guests arrive. The lumber arrived "late afternoon" yesterday ... about 1230. Heh. I bailed out of work early to get the lumber out of the driveway before someone drove up to help themselves (that *does* happen, from time to time). Then, as long as I was already dressed for the work, and the weather was permitting, I started cutting and assembling. I got eight sides mostly done, six more to go, then ends, and trim and into position with landscape fabric stapled to the bottom to slow down weed and insect intrusion. Pictures later today or tomorrow, perhaps.
March 20, 2005
0841 - Good morning. First up, back into my Sunday routine: The cost of war in American soldiers...
My thanks to those who fight in the service of the United States.
Much progress yesterday. Three of the planters are completed and emplaced (shown at left). I had the balance of the sides, and the end plates assembled with their trim pieces by about 1130 yesterday morning. Then we took a break to go return the rental car we've had since the accident I had in the Elantra, nearly 4 weeks ago. I should be able to pick that up on Tuesday. After a short break for something like lunch (although I really just drank some Cranberry juice and rested for a bit), I got going on the main assemblies. That I can do one at a time, then drag them out into position. In place, I roll them over, add landscape fabric and roll them back. I got three done by 1600 (shown right). I cleaned up, took these pictures and then cleaned myself up in time for supper with Jim, Judy and Judy's dad, Dennis. A fun evening ... at the end of which I was whacked. More of the same today, I'm afraid, provided the light rain runs on out of here. Yes, that means that the wood is going to be even heavier than yesterday. Sigh.
I'm taking Marcia to the airport at 0900, she'll be in California until Saturday. Then I'll come home and knock out the rest of the planters. Then I'll head over to the nursery and arrange the soil delivery for Friday afternoon (pending the forecast, which looks fine for Friday at the moment). I guess I'd best get started. Have a great day!
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Visit the rest of the DAYNOTES GANG, a collection of bright minds and sharp wits. Really, I don't know why they tolerate me <grin>. My personal inspiration for these pages is Dr. Jerry Pournelle. I am also indebted to Bob Thompson and Tom Syroid for their patience, guidance and feedback. Of course, I am sustained by and beholden to my lovely wife, Marcia. You can find her online too, at http://www.dutchgirl.net/. Thanks for dropping by.
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