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GRAFFITI -- May 30, 2005 thru June 05, 2005>> Link to the Current Week <<Last Week << Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun >> Next Week Welcome to Orb Graffiti, a place for me to write daily about life and computers. Contrary to popular belief, the two are not interchangeable. About eMail - I publish email sometimes. If you send me an email and you want privacy or anonymity, please say so clearly at the beginning of your message. |
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May 30, 2005
0140 - Good morning. Happy Anniversary to us. Seven years down, a goodly number to go, and we're continuing to have a lovely weekend in celebration thereof. Our strawberries are starting to turn, as you can see in the picture at left. And Molly can testify to their goodness, as shortly after I took that picture, she took the strawberries. Sigh. Anyway, I'm going to run out now, pick up some wire to make some fencing to put around the patch, and get some more propane for tonight's barbeque. Happy Memorial Day, too. Remember those soldiers who have died to preserve our freedoms. Remember them, too, when you go to vote out the bastards that are taking those freedoms away with expansions of the Patriot Act, authorizations of fresh TSA outrages, and oil profits for all. Let's do our best to make sure that our young men and women returning from the Middle East have a free country to return to! Ciao!
May 31, 2005
No Post!... the day got away from me, and now I'm too tired. We'll try again tomorrow morning.
June 1, 2005
0706 - Good morning. Yesterday morning I was up at the crack of full sunlight through the bathroom window, about 0630. Marcia and Barbara were off to the workout place, Bob and the dogs were lounging about out back drinking coffee and chasing bunnies. I said my brief goodbyes and headed off to work ... yeah, Bob, Barbara, Duncan and Malcolm Thompson were up for the holiday weekend, including the annual raining-out of the Memorial Day barbeque. Scheiss!!! Here's a few highlights of the weekend. More are sure to follow one place or another...
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We had a lot of fun, as we usually do when Bilbreys and Thompsons get together. We did a bit of light-polluted urban observing, played with dogs, toured around a bit and played with dogs, went out to dinner, then played with dogs ... you see a theme developing here? Yeah, it's about the company. The dogs are just a bonus.
I had a horrid commute home last night, arriving just in time to throw Molly into the truck and hare off to the vets to have them check out an on-again/off-again cyst. They're not worried about it, and suggest that if it fills again, and is causing her pain, we can have it excised for a mere $900. Sigh. I love the dogs to death, but they're bloody expensive, sometimes. The good news is that there's no particular concern. So I got home, fed the mutts, had supper, paid bills, did the rotating offsite backup routine, and picked out a few pictures for today's post, wrapping up about 2240. That's a long day after a long fun weekend, and I didn't get to nap the day away the way the dogs did. And not this upcoming weekend, either, as we continue to celebrate our anniversary with a supper out and Riverdance at Wolf Trap.
Anyway, I'd best be off to work. We just were able to annouce our Common Criteria testing results, and we're busy as beavers working on more stuff to secure the networks of the world. Is Total Domination too much to ask? Me, right now I'd be happy with a 40 minute commute. I know that's not too much to ask. But it's still unlikely. Have a great day! Ciao!
June 2, 2005
1036 - Good morning. Another busy day yesterday: Work, Anatomy of a Murder Mystery at the Smithsonian, ripped 5 discs, burned and installed a trial of Xandros mumble on D'angua, and still bed before 2300. Next week, on Wednesday night, I'd have to choose between a CALUG meeting I've been waiting for for 6 months and an FBI Forensics expert in the Mystery class. Lucky for me, that's the day after my dental surgery, and I'm most likely to be non-attendant at either event. If I really do feel better, than I'll go to the Mystery thing. The CALUG deal, while about TV on Linux, in support of the pcHDTV cards I bought last month, can be dealt with by time and Google.
Today I'm doing some final research on FTP proxying on an OpenBSD firewall to secure that service properly. That plus all the stuff that just seems to come up during the average day should pretty well put paid to the hours I'll devote to working. Have a great day!
1522 - Sigh. Fixed broken links, pictures ... again. Lovely. Having a better day now, yessirree.
June 3, 2005
0705 - Good morning. It's Friday. And I'm glad. Of course, it's one day closer to dental surgery day. Oh, joy. The good news today is for the gearheads - I managed to spend some time mucking about with my Treo last night for a while - I installed Graffiti Anywhere, which is a graffiti enabler for the installed Palm Graffiti-2 engine. How odd that Palm didn't see fit to actually provide Graffiti, though. There's lots more stuff for the Treo, but I find myself mostly using it as a phone, password store (using Strip), calendar, and book-reader (using Plucker). Not a bad little device...
Meantime it's pissing down rain outside, and that's going to make a hash of my commute. I'd best be going. Ciao!
June 4, 2005
1603 - Good afternoon. We slept in a little bit, then I've been doing chores, yardwork and the like for most of the day. Then I sat back down here to get a prototypical OpenBSD 3.7 mailserver/imapd-ssl/pop3d-ssl server up and running. I've got sendmail running properly, using procmail as the local mail delivery agent. imapd-ssl is working and I'm bringing up the pop3d-ssl bits right now. Then I do a bunch of experiments to see what I missed, and go forward from there. Ah, I needed to change the SSL certificate reference in the pop3d-ssl.rc file. Now everything appears to be working. I'll configure dracd next. But I'd best look up the directions to Wolf Trap so that when the time to depart comes, I'll be ready. Have a great rest of your Saturday!
June 5, 2005
2006 - Good evening. A busy day. We got up late-ish, because we didn't get home from the Riverdance show at Wolf Trap until nearly midnight. After shopping, we decided on a whim to get out again and go see the new Star Wars flick at the theatre. It was okay. I'm ... glad we only paid matinee prices, though. Back home we cooked up a bunch of food for the upcoming week (as I'm likely to be uninterested for a few days following Tuesday). I've spent time working on a mailserver some this weekend, and will do more perhaps Wednesday. And since I'm working next Saturday to emplace a new firewall and re-DMZ a number of systems, I'll be using no Paid Time Off (PTO) as long as I only miss Tuesday and Wednesday in the office. Petty accounting stuff, but it adds up when I've still not much PTO piled up for either vacation or illness.
Please spend some time with me, as I regard the lost lives in the pursuit of American Policy...
Twenty two lives spent in the service of Freedom, in the service of our country. Gentlemen, rest in peace.
Okay. The dogs want their eight PM treat, so I clearly must go. I'm ruled by dogs and a quilter. Mercy, mercy!!! Ciao!
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Visit the rest of the DAYNOTES GANG, a collection of bright minds and sharp wits. Really, I don't know why they tolerate me <grin>. My personal inspiration for these pages is Dr. Jerry Pournelle. I am also indebted to Bob Thompson and Tom Syroid for their patience, guidance and feedback. Of course, I am sustained by and beholden to my lovely wife, Marcia. You can find her online too, at http://www.dutchgirl.net/. Thanks for dropping by.
All Content Copyright © 1999-2011 Brian P. Bilbrey.
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