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GRAFFITI -- December 19, 2005 thru December 25, 2005>> Link to the Current Week <<Last Week << Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun >> Next Week Welcome to Orb Graffiti, a place for me to write daily about life and computers. Contrary to popular belief, the two are not interchangeable. About eMail - I publish email sometimes. If you send me an email and you want privacy or anonymity, please say so clearly at the beginning of your message. |
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December 19, 2005
1458 - Good afternoon. The implants and crowns are all in, and paid for. Yay! The downside is that it's Monday, and my sore throat has turned into something ragingly painful in both throat, head, and body ache. Lovely, NOT! Oh, and I got this weird long email from J. Random Hotmail user. I won't quote it entirely, but here's my reply, with enough of the message inline for you to identify it for yourself...
Subject: Re: Please Advise First Name Last Name wrote: > I started following your blog via mr.thompson and have respect for your > knowledge. I respectfully request your opinion on this issue. I have > experienced the same issue and will glady ship you a HD with the data. > > [[ Two HTML Links removed by bilbrey ]] > > 2005 09 25 > subversion hack of 2005 > > I am ready to tell the story of the recent three months hack on my > home business network. I want to give it a name in order to talk > about it, so I am calling it the subversion hack. [[snip]] Unfortunately, I don't have the skills to properly evaluate your situation. I do know that many hundreds of /dev entries is common in most linux systems. One of mine today has 456 devices listed directly under the /dev directory (not counting subdirectories). If indeed you've had 4 machines hacked, and work product lost or stolen, and you can document losses, I would involve the FBI directly, instead of looking to persons such as myself. Thanks for your kind thoughts, however. Please note that any reasonably savvy Internet user receiving such a vague, rambling email certainly should not click on the links that you provide. Browsers almost all have vulnerabilities that can make their host machine roll over and play dead. The smart choice in most cases is to delete messages such as yours. But many people people will go to your site, read what you write, and wonder, as I do, why you don't go directly to law enforcement, or to such investigative organizations such as CERT. That is the beginning and ending of what I recommend. (Oh, and "Subversion" is also the name of a popular Open Source Version Control System, so you may confuse people if you continue to use that name.) best, .brian -- Brian Bilbrey : http://www.orbdesigns.com/ "Kirk to Enterprise -- beam down yeoman Rand and a six-pack." |
Okay, now to rest. Have a great day!
December 20, 2005
1300 - Good afternoon. Imagine my joy at 0600, when the mercifully absent sounds of my alarm clock (which I'd purposely unset) were replaced by the sounds of spaniel retching. Yeah, little dog puked. Fortunately we got her into the bathroom and onto one of the washable rugs. 15 minutes later, she ate breakfast and has been happy as a clam ever since.
Thanks, yeah. In a sense, I am feeling better today. Of course, having had two two-hour naps since waking up is a big help, too. I may go do that again in a few minutes. I've just been out to visit the sites, and beyond a Judge stricken with sanity (who ruled that ID can't be taught alongside evolution in Dover, PA schools), there isn't much that stand out for me. Have a great day, anyway!
December 21, 2005
0521 - Good morning, such as it is. I've been up since about 0400 with sinuses and raw throat that won't let me sleep. I've already acquiesced to a request not to bring the "Phase IV Weapons-Grade Mongolian Death Flu" into work, just 4 shopping days before Christmas. Of course, I was apparently the last to find out that my bug is weapon-grade. That I'm here to report that tells you something about its efficacy.
Yesterday I did keep up with email, did a couple of remote log scans for specific events and information, and built an OpenBSD 3.8 base onto the laptop once known as Gryphon, for use as a mail/list server test bed. When my powers of concentration will allow it, I'll be working on that today. Sigh. I hate being sick.
December 22, 2005
No Post....
December 23, 2005
0959 - Good morning. Not dead yet. A decent summary. All of yesterday's energy was spent putting in a day's work. There was none left over. So sorry. Today I'm putting the finishing touches on a laptop rebuild from a dead hard drive (thanks to McC for getting the ball rolling with Dell, so that parts and discs were in flight before I came back online). The offsite backup rotation is due, and there's a bit of a backlog on my to-do list, so I'd best be about my business. Oh, yeah. I'm feeling somewhat better. Still got a raw throat, and some sinus issues, but definitely on the road to better health. Thanks for dropping by.
December 24, 2005
1216 - December 24 ...Men's Shopping Day.
December 25, 2005
1309 - Good afternoon. Merry Christmas. We didn't sacrifice anything to the gods today. I just slept in, had a nice brunch, then opened some presents that were amazingly scattered around near this tree in the library. The best fun was when Marcia finally noticed the rather large box that was for her, looked at me in surprise and asked, "How long has that been there?" Grin.
Oh, there was one sacrifice... Marcia and the dogs gave up some time spent awake in homage to the Napping God (Narcoleptus?). Lucy seemed especially cute.
We've called some family here and there. Now it's time to relax and maybe even do some more nappage. Enjoy!
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Visit the rest of the DAYNOTES GANG, a collection of bright minds and sharp wits. Really, I don't know why they tolerate me <grin>. My personal inspiration for these pages is Dr. Jerry Pournelle. I am also indebted to Bob Thompson and Tom Syroid for their patience, guidance and feedback. Of course, I am sustained by and beholden to my lovely wife, Marcia. You can find her online too, at http://www.dutchgirl.net/. Thanks for dropping by.
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