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GRAFFITI -- October 30, 2006 thru November 05, 2006>> Link to the Current Week <<Last Week << Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun >> Next Week Welcome to Orb Graffiti, a place for me to write daily about life and computers. Contrary to popular belief, the two are not interchangeable. About eMail - I publish email sometimes. If you send me an email and you want privacy or anonymity, please say so clearly at the beginning of your message. |
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October 30, 2006
0844 - Good morning. Yesterday was full of
sitting and waiting. I went up to Fitzmall
Gaithersburg, test drove the nicest Toyota 4runner I could find on the
lot, then downgraded to something without the bells-and-whistles that I
didn't want or need. Who, after all, really wants Ivory leather seating
surfaces when one has dogs? Surely not I. Got a decent trade-in value for
the Santa Fe, and by deep dusk (lovely, this daylight shifting thing, eh?)
I was driving home in the new "truck". You can see a couple of views of
mine, right and left of this prose.
I've sacrifice mileage performance for performance and towing capacity. And a big sturdy truck that wins in a conflict, including excellent side and frontal impact ratings, plenty of airbags and "curtains", etc. One thing that this beast will take on in the next year or so is a pop-up camper to go around to state parks and fishing sites. That'll be something nice, and Marcia will really enjoy it.
Now, I must get back to the grindstone, so I'll close with this wonderful Lazarus Long (RAH) quote...
History does not record anywhere at any time a religion that has any rational basis. Religion is a crutch for people not strong enough to stand up to the unknown without help. But, like dandruff, most people do have a religion and spend time and money on it and seem to derive considerable pleasure from fiddling with it.
-- Lazarus Long
October 31, 2006
1418 - Good afternoon. Best intentions and all that. I've had a terminal window open showing this page in Vim for several hours now, and I'm unlikely to find any useful time to say something. I'm trying to figure out the purpose behind some particularly pointless network traffic. No luck yet, but I'm nothing if not persistent. And the new truck is fine, thanks. It's in the shop getting the rust protection applied today. So I'm toodling around in a loaner PT Cruiser, with what feels like a 3-banger under the hood. And it's not very comfortable, either. Such is life. See y'all later...
November 1, 2006
0609 - Good morning. What time is it? It's Tool Time! I can't begin to tell you the chain of sites and links that lead me down a path to Virtual Dimension. Once I was used to the general stability and (relative) safety of Linux, I also became accustomed to the ease-of-use features that just aren't available under Windows. One of those is multiple desktops. When I work, either at home or for $FIRM, I have multiple desktops, with multiple non-full-screen windows open in each one. Many of those windows are terminals because, well, a mouse is a tool to point at the xterm you want to type in. But then there's browsers, publishing tools like OpenOffice, mail clients like thunderbird, documentation open in a PDF reader client ... the list goes on and one. Grouping those windows functionally and spreading them out over several virtual desktops makes life easier. There's still the task bar, showing the open windows on that desktop, and an applet running to allow desktop switching. Hotkeys and mouse edge wrapping can also be configured. I tested this out in XP running under VMware last night, and showed Marcia. She made me configure it for her without any delay!
Meantime, back on the Linux side of the fence, I accidentally hit both [Space] and [Alt] keys simultaneously with my thumb a couple of days back. Much to my astonishment, a little translucent window with a slingshot icon appeared. Of course, I didn't know precisely what I had done to make this little apparition do it's thing. And it disappeared as soon as another window got focus (pretty quick, since I use Focus-Follows-Mouse as my model). So some horrendous keyboard abuse later, I made it happen again. And I looked it up online.
Katapult is a launcher for KDE, modeled after the OS X Quicksilver applet. When it's up, you type, and depending on the "catalogs" it knows about, it trys to fill in the blanks, whether a directory, a program in the menus, or a file for which it knows the associated program. Pressing enter opens/starts the requested thing. Once I'm used to it (and remembering to use it will go a long way there), I think this could be stunningly handy to have in the toolkit.
Finally, a couple of Firefox 2.0 hacks. So far as I can tell, I'm content with the new Firefox 2.0. One thing I really hate, though is the substitution of multiple individual close buttons (one for/on each tab) in place of the close button at the right of the tab-bar. Just, just argh! I lived with it for about two days, then was about ready to downgrade when I remembered my friend Google. He led me to Phock's Blog post about the issue. Yay. Follow those directions, and give Thanks to Phock. When I pointed that out to Bob, he agreed, but wished he had both. Well, yeah, but by default configuration, middle-button click on a tab closes the tab. Who needs a button, as long as you're not on a Mac?
Okay. Off to work with me. Have a lovely day!
November 2, 2006
0744 - Good morning. Lee Smolin's book, The Trouble With Physics, is the one that got Uncle Orson worked up, which got Jerry worked up, which got me worked up. I haven't done anything about that, yet, though I promised that I would get to it, and I will. But I think instead of just spouting off as I usually do, I'll go back and read the source material, first. This bugs me, though. Jerry wrote:
Do scientists understand what Scott is saying here? Let me repeat:
Calling it "random" is just the atheist's way of saying "The universe is this way because God made it so, only there is no God." There's simply no room for science in that picture.
Is this where rationalism has taken us? Because to most of us, the universe does seem to make sense. It's not easily understood, but we have known that since Biblical times.
I am likely to modify my stance after reading Smolin, but there's this, you see: String theory, as currently formulated, does appear to have a limitless solution space. I'll quote from Card, who may be quoting or paraphrasing Smolin:
We even have leading String Theorists saying, in effect, "Because String Theory gives us no way to describe why the universe functions as it does, we can only conclude that the universe we live in is a random event. We happen to live in the universe that happened to produce physicists, and so all we're studying is the accidental rules of this universe, when there could just as easily have been any of a million -- or an infinite number of -- different rule sets that were just as valid."
As Smolin points out, that is a declaration that science is over. Because if the rules could be anything, then there's no point in trying to discover what they are; in effect, there are no rules. Calling it "random" is just the atheist's way of saying "The universe is this way because God made it so, only there is no God." There's simply no room for science in that picture.
I don't buy that. Let's assume a frothy set of universes, each one separated from the others by ... what? The math, as Smolin points out, hasn't been done. But in a situation sensitive to initial conditions, different rules of physics can obtain in distinct universes. The fact that our universe is as it is, and has cosmologists, physicists, science fiction authors, and all the other figments of my erratic imagination, doesn't lessen either the need for nor the validity of the quest to determine the rules of our particular place in this hypothetical hypercosmos. Just because I can't tell precisely enough the initial conditions that brought about the rules of physics that allow for physicists doesn't mean that physics is a pointless study.
Nor does it have anything to do with faith. Let me repeat that. Nor does it have anything to do with faith. String theory may turn out to be something that ends up on the scrap heap of science. Lots of hot theories have done so. Luminiferous ether. An Earth-centric universe. Humours. Let's return to that quoted statement above: "The universe is this way because God made it so, only there is no God." But why can't this be said thusly: This universe is the way it is. Ah, but when you say it the first way, you can get people muttering, grumbling, writing about your work. Speaking for or against it. Making you, me, and people that are going to be interested in such a debate hear about your work and buy your book. Is this statement (which I will be interested to see if it really is in Smolin's book) just slick viral marketing pap?
I don't need nor want religion taught in classes that call themselves science. Religion can be taught in Theology, of course, as well as History, Ethics, many places. But not science. Science has no place for "and this is how God made it." There may, in fact, be initial conditions which are not dependent on prior events. Some may choose to see in those the hand of God, Chthulhu, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster. But initial conditions are what they are.
If I build a cluster of computers, and setup a program to simulate a universe, and within that program, I configure self-modifying genetic algorithms, what may happen? What if, between the initial conditions of my program, and the running of the program, life (of a sort), and intelligence (of a sort) arises in the machine? What if there's a virtual progression from algal mats to flatworm to physicist, and the virtual physicist comes up against a brick wall in describing his universe? Am I god? What if I used the flip of a coin, or a set of quantum spin states, to determine initial conditions. Am I still god? What if I meddled in my program, to encourage one type of development, and discourage another? Am I god? Or just Stanley Kubric?
I don't think our universe needs god. Humans (some humans) may "need" a God. I am not less for my lack of faith, you are not greater for your faith. We both are, though, in the sense that Mike said, "Waiting is." Does it matter, in the grand sweep of time and the cosmos, that random events and initial conditions dictate the course of everything? Sure. There's room for free will to be exercised, for intelligence to be developed, for awe and wonder at the universe we live in to be appreciated and learned about.
So, without yet having read Smolin's book, I think that not having all the answers doesn't mean the end of science. Science is the art and practice of describing the universe around us in a predictable and repeatable way. Where that falls down, we don't know enough. We may not be able to know enough. Does that ignorance require a God to fill in the gaps? And if it does, what does that say about human effort and conclusions? Sometimes the Universe doesn't make sense. That bothers me not one iota. And I don't think that faith or a lack thereof has any bearing on the matter.
I guess I just spouted off as I usually do. I will read Smolin's book, though. I'll probably have more to say thereafter.
0811 - Aaaargh! I hate Microsoft. Hate. Hate! HATE! So I get this message in the daily "Server Performance Report", a notification about the WINS service not running. Yeah, well, that's on purpose, because I shut it off after it wouldn't stop trying to do multicast discovery. Now the email says this, specifically: "You can disable this alert by using the Change Alert Notifications task."
I don't know where the Change Alert Notifications task might be found, so I fire up Help. Hahahahaha! You can see where this is going, can't you? I type "Change Alert Notifications" into the search box. Obvious choice, really, since it's capitialized in the email, it's probably the formal name for something. Guess what? No results. No Suggested Topics. No Help Topics. No Microsoft Knowledge Base results. No Small Business Server Topics. No fucking help at all.
Google lead me to an answer on Microsoft's site. And indeed, the name of the function inside Server Management -> Monitoring and Reporting is "Change Alert Notifications". You'd think that would have been indexed into the help system, or shown up in a KB search or something. Aaaargh. Thanks for letting me gripe. Hasta!
November 3, 2006
0616 - Good morning. Grrr. Once again, the full text of the County "Questions" is well hidden from public view. I went through this exercise in 2004. This time it's even harder, because the League of Women Voters doesn't even have the links to the County Bill Numbers. There are Questions A through M on the ballot, this upcoming General Election, each of which might correspond to any one of the 88 County Bills or Resolutions. So, sorry for the long-winded cruft, but, here are the Prince Georges 2006 General Election County Questions, in full...
In the below, sections of underlined text are additions, and [text in brackets] are deletions. *** indicates unchanged blocks of the County Code.
Question A
AN ACT concerning
Sections 402, 607, 804, and 806, Charter of Prince George's County
For the purpose of proposing a new Section 607 and amendments to Sections 402, 804 and 806 of the Charter of Prince George's County to provide a statement of the County's policy to encourage and support local and minority business in the County, to amend the time for Council consideration of the proposed County budget; to provide that the annual budget document contain forecasts of goods and services that would necessitate competitive bidding; and to provide that reports of certain positions in the exempt service be submitted semi-annually.
BY adding:
Section 607,
Charter of Prince George's County, Maryland.BY proposing amendments to:
Sections 402, 804, and 806,
Charter of Prince George's County, Maryland.SECTION 1. BE IT ENACTED by the County Council of Prince George's County, Maryland, that the following new Section 607 and amendments to Sections 402, 804, and 806 of the Charter of Prince George's County be and the same are hereby proposed:
Section 402. Executive Power and Duties.
All executive power vested in Prince George's County by the Constitution and laws of Maryland and this Charter shall be vested in the County Executive who shall be the chief executive officer of the County and who shall faithfully execute the laws. His powers, duties, and responsibilities shall include, but shall not be limited to: (1) preparing and submitting to the Council and the public, within six months after the close of the fiscal year, an annual report on the activities and accomplishments of the County government, including a detailed financial statement; (2) providing the Council, or a committee thereof, with any information concerning the executive branch which the Council may require for the exercise of its powers; (3) recommending to the Council such measures for legislative action as he may deem to be in the best interests of the County; (4) appointing the head of each agency of the executive branch, subject to confirmation by the Council as required by Section 322 of this Charter, and removing the same at his discretion; (5) preparing an executive pay plan which establishes the compensation of the Chief Administrative Officer and the head of each agency of the executive branch, subject to the approval of the Council; (6) appointing the members of all boards and commissions subject to confirmation by the Council as required by Section 322 of this Charter, unless otherwise prescribed by law or this Charter; (7) insuring that County funds in excess of those required for immediate needs are invested in the best interests of the County; (8) signing or causing to be signed on the County's behalf all deeds, contracts and other instruments, including those which, prior to the adoption of this Charter, required the signature of the Chairman or any member of the Board of County Commissioners, and affixing the County Seal thereto; [and] (9) preparing and submitting to the County Council semi-annual reports of certain exempt positions consistent with Section 806 of this Charter; and (10) enforcing all laws in the County except as otherwise provided for by state law or charters of municipalities located within the County.
Section 607. Local and Minority Business.
The County is committed to the encouragement and support of local and minority businesses consistent with requirements of Federal and State law.
Section 804. Public Hearings by County Executive and Submission of the County Budget.
The County Executive shall hold one or more advertised public hearings on the proposed budget prior to submission to the Council. Not later than [March 31] March 15 of each fiscal year, the County Executive shall submit to the Council the proposed County budget for the ensuing fiscal year.
Section 806. Contents of the Operating Budget.
(a) The proposed operating expense budget shall contain the following information: (1) a statement of all revenue estimated to be received by the County during the ensuing fiscal year, classified so as to show the receipts by funds and sources of income; (2) a statement of debt service requirements for the ensuing fiscal year; (3) a statement of the estimated surplus if any, available for expenditure during the ensuing fiscal year, and any estimated deficit in any fund required to be made up in the ensuing fiscal year; (3.1) the proposed expenditures of the Legislative Branch as submitted by the Council; (4) an estimate of the expenditures which the County Executive deems necessary for conducting the business of the County to be financed from and not to exceed estimated revenue for the ensuing fiscal year; (5) a statement of the bonded and other indebtedness of the County government and its agencies, including self-liquidating and special taxing district debt and contingent liabilities; (6) a statement of the proposed contingency reserves, subject to appropriation only in accordance with Section 816 of this Charter, which shall equal five per centum of the general fund, provided, however, that if an emergency results in a depletion of the reserve by more than thirty per centum, the reserve deficit may be refunded within the next two fiscal years; (7) a comparative statement of the actual revenues and expenditures for the last completed fiscal year; the budgeted and estimated revenues and expenditures for the currently ending fiscal year; and the projected revenues and expenditures recommended by the Executive for the ensuing fiscal year; [and] (8) forecast of goods and services that would necessitate competitive bidding for the ensuing fiscal year; and (9) any other material which the County Executive may deem advisable or the Council may require by resolution.
(b) Concurrent with the submission of the proposed annual operating budget, the County Executive shall submit to the County Council a report of all exempt positions pursuant to Section 902(2), (3), (4), (5), (9), and (13) of this Charter. The report shall include the name of the incumbent and compensation for all such positions for the six-month period ending the prior March 1. A second report for the six-month period ending September 1 shall be submitted not later than September 15 of each year. A similar report shall be filed in the manner prescribed herein by the County Council for the Legislative Branch.
SECTION 2. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that a copy of this Act be transmitted to the County Executive for publication and that a copy also be transmitted to the Board of Supervisors of Elections for submission of the proposed amendment to the voters of this County at the 2006 General Election pursuant to Section 1105 of the Charter.
SECTION 3. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that the question of adoption of this proposed Charter Amendment shall be submitted to the voters of the County at the General Election occurring on November 7, 2006, and shall be placed on the ballot in the following form:
To provide a statement of the County's policy to encourage and support local and minority business in the County, to amend the time for Council consideration of the proposed County budget; to provide that the annual budget document contain forecasts of goods and services that would necessitate competitive bidding; and to provide that reports of certain positions in the exempt service be submitted semi-annually.
Brian's interpretation: Council vs. County Executive, round one. Should be interesting to watch this play out. Part of me likes a strong executive, decisions get made. Downside is there's more room for bad behaviour. But the more power a Council has, the more money gets spent for no good purpose. Grrr.
Question B
AN ACT concerning
Amendment of Section 815, Charter of Prince George's County
For the purpose of proposing an amendment to Section 815 of the Charter of Prince George's County to provide that approved staffing complements may not be increased without prior approval of the County Council.
BY proposing an amendment to:
Section 815,
Charter of Prince George's County, Maryland.SECTION 1. BE IT ENACTED by the County Council of Prince George's County, Maryland, that the following amendment to Section 815, Charter of Prince George's County, Maryland, is hereby proposed:
Section 815. Supplementary Appropriations; Staffing Level Increases.
(a) During any fiscal year, the Council, upon recommendation of the County Executive, may, by resolution, make additional or supplementary appropriations from unexpended and unencumbered funds set aside for contingencies in the County budget, and from federal, state or private grants which were not included in the budget for the current fiscal year, and may, by Legislative Act, make additional or supplementary appropriations from revenue received from anticipated sources but in excess of budget estimates therefor, from revenues received from sources not anticipated in the budget for the current fiscal year and from any prior year available and uncommitted fund balance.
(b) During any fiscal year, no agency of County government may exceed the number of positions in each grade for that agency as approved in the operating budget without the prior approval of the Council.
SECTION 2. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that a copy of this Act be transmitted to the County Executive for publication and that a copy also be transmitted to the Board of Supervisors of Elections for submission of the proposed amendment to the voters of this County at the 2006 General Election pursuant to Section 1105 of the Charter.
SECTION 3. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that the question of adoption of this proposed Charter Amendment shall be submitted to the voters of the County at the General Election occurring on November 7, 2006, and shall be placed on the ballot in the following form:
To provide that the staffing level of any agency approved in the annual operating budget may not be increased without prior approval of the Council.
Brian's interpretation: Land grab by the Council. This one I like. Bureaucracies ought not be allowed to grow without legislative approval, IMHO.
Question C
AN ACT concerning
Amendment of Section 809, Charter of Prince George's County
For the purpose of proposing an amendment to Section 809 of the Charter of Prince George's County to provide that the Council may adjust the statement of estimated revenue in the proposed operating budget by a certain percentage.
BY proposing an amendment to:
Section 809,
Charter of Prince George's County, Maryland.SECTION 1. BE IT ENACTED by the County Council of Prince George's County, Maryland, that the following amendment to Section 809, Charter of Prince George's County, Maryland, is hereby proposed:
Section 809. Public Budget Hearings and Action on the Budget by the Council.
Upon receipt of the proposed County budget, the Clerk of the Council shall cause to be published a notice of the place and time of at least two public hearings on the budget by the Council. Such public notice shall be published in the County newspapers of record. The Council may hold such other preliminary hearings on the budget for the purpose of obtaining information as it may determine, but no action shall be taken by the Council on the budget except in public session. After the final public budget hearing, the Council may not add new items but may increase, decrease, or delete any items in the budget except those required by the laws of this state or of this County, and except any provisions for debt service on obligations then outstanding or for estimated cash deficits. The Council shall have no power to change the form of the budget as submitted by the Executive or to alter the revenue estimates except to correct mathematical errors, or, by a vote of two-thirds of the members of the full County Council, adjust the revenue estimates by an increase or decrease of no more than one percent (1%). The adoption of the operating budget, the capital budget and the capital program shall be by the affirmative vote of not less than a majority of the full Council by a law to be known as the Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance of Prince George's County. The Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance shall be adopted by the Council on or before June 1 of each fiscal year, and if the Council fails to do so, the proposed operating budget submitted by the County Executive shall stand adopted, and funds for the expenditures proposed in the current expense budget shall stand appropriated as fully and to the same extent as if favorable action thereon had been taken by the Council.
SECTION 2. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that a copy of this Act be transmitted to the County Executive for publication and that a copy also be transmitted to the Board of Supervisors of Elections for submission of the proposed amendment to the voters of this County at the 2006 General Election pursuant to Section 1105 of the Charter.
SECTION 3. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that the question of adoption of this proposed Charter Amendment shall be submitted to the voters of the County at the General Election occurring on November 7, 2006, and shall be placed on the ballot in the following form:
To provide that the revenue estimates in the proposed operating budget may be increased or decreased by the Council by no more than one percent.
Brian's interpretation: Voting YES gives the Council more power. An ongoing struggle between Executive and Council. Me? I'll probably give them half of what they ask for, and vote to throw all the bums out. Did you know that no one is opposing our County Executive this election?
Question D
AN ACT concerning
Section 313, Charter of Prince George's County
For the purpose of proposing amendments to Section 313 of the Charter of Prince George's County to increase the powers of the County Auditor to perform investigations; and to provide protection to County employees for providing information to the County Auditor during an investigation.
BY proposing amendments to:
Section 313,
Charter of Prince George's County, Maryland.SECTION 1. BE IT ENACTED by the County Council of Prince George's County, Maryland, that the following amendments to Sections 313 of the Charter of Prince George's County be and the same are hereby proposed:
Section 313. Office of Audits and Investigations.
There shall be an Office of Audits and Investigations, under the supervision and direction of a County Auditor who shall be appointed by the Council. The County Auditor shall serve at the pleasure of the Council and shall receive such compensation as the Council may determine. The Auditor shall, not later than six months after the close of each fiscal year, prepare and submit to the Council and to the County Executive a complete financial audit for the preceding fiscal year of all agencies that receive or disburse County funds. Upon recommendation by the Auditor that a State audit in a given year is adequate, the Council may, by resolution, exempt from County audit an agency whose entire records, accounts, and affairs are completely audited each year by or with the approval of the State of Maryland or an independent audit by a qualified independent certified public accountant. Any such resolution of exemption from audit shall be limited to a period of not more than one year. In addition to the annual audit, either the Council or the County Executive may at any time order a special audit of the accounts of any agency receiving or disbursing County funds, and upon the death, resignation, removal or expiration of the term of any County administrative officer, the Auditor shall cause a special audit to be made of the accounts maintained by the officer, and by his agency. If, as a result of any audit, an officer shall be found to be indebted to the County, the County Executive shall proceed forthwith to collect the indebtedness. In the event that the County Executive shall be found to be indebted to the County, the Council shall proceed forthwith to collect the indebtedness. The Auditor is also empowered to conduct necessary audits of any agency which is the recipient of funds appropriated or approved by the Council whenever he deems it appropriate. No employee or official of the County shall interfere with, threaten with disciplinary action, or otherwise attempt to restrain an employee of the County from providing information to the County Auditor, nor shall any adverse action be taken against such employee. Any adverse action taken within twelve (12) months after the employee has provided information to the County Auditor shall be presumed to be retaliatory, which presumption may be rebutted only by clear and convincing evidence to the contrary. Any audit, including performance audits, special audits, and state audits which form the basis for an exemption by the Council from a County audit, shall be published in suitable form and made available to the public at reasonable hours at the Office of Audits and Investigations. All records and files pertaining to the receipt and expenditure of County funds by all officers, agents, and employees of the County and all agencies thereof, shall at all times be open to the inspection of the County Auditor. The Auditor shall promptly call to the attention of the Council and the County Executive any irregularity or improper procedure which he may discover. The County Auditor shall have the power to administer oaths, to compel the attendance of witnesses, and to require the production of records and other materials in connection with any audit, investigation, inquiry, or hearing authorized by law or by this Charter. The Council shall have the power to implement the provisions of this section and to assign additional functions, duties, and personnel to the County Auditor.
SECTION 2. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that a copy of this Act be transmitted to the County Executive for publication and that a copy also be transmitted to the Board of Supervisors of Elections for submission of the proposed amendment to the voters of this County at the 2006 General Election pursuant to Section 1105 of the Charter.
SECTION 3. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that the question of adoption of this proposed Charter Amendment shall be submitted to the voters of the County at the General Election occurring on November 7, 2006, and shall be placed on the ballot in the following form:
To increase the powers of the County Auditor to perform investigations; and to provide protection to County employees for providing information to the County Auditor during an investigation.
Brian's interpretation: Mostly whistle-blower protection, it seems. I approve of that.
Question E
AN ACT concerning
Sections 317 and 411, Charter of Prince George's County
For the purpose of proposing amendments to Sections 317 and 411 of the Charter of Prince George's County to amend the prescribed scheduling and notice periods for legislation by the Clerk of the Council; to amend the time for presentation of enacted bills to the County Executive; and to authorize amendments to the County legislative process during an emergency declared by the Governor for matters relating to and responsive to the emergency.
BY proposing amendments to:
Sections 317 and 411,
Charter of Prince George's County, Maryland.SECTION 1. BE IT ENACTED by the County Council of Prince George's County, Maryland, that the following amendments to Sections 317 and 411 of the Charter of Prince George's County be and the same are hereby proposed:
Section 317. Enactment of Legislation.
Every law of the County shall be styled: "Be it enacted by the County Council of Prince George's County, Maryland." The Council shall enact no law except by bill. The subject of every law shall be described in its title. Every law enacted by the Council, except the budget law and supplementary appropriation laws, shall embrace but one subject. No law or section of law shall be revived or amended by reference to its title only. A bill may be introduced by any member of the Council on any legislative session-day of the Council. On the introduction of any bill, a copy thereof and notice of the time and place of the hearing on the bill shall be posted by the Clerk of the Council within five days on an official bulletin board to be set up by the Council in a public place and by any other such methods as the Council shall dictate. Additional copies of the bill shall be made available to the public and to the press. Every copy of each bill shall bear the name of the member of the Council introducing it and the date it was introduced. Within [five] ten days following the introduction of a bill the Clerk of the Council shall schedule and give public notice of a public hearing on the bill, which hearing shall not be less than fourteen days after its introduction. The Council may reject any bill on its introduction without a hearing by a majority vote of the members of the full Council. Such public notice shall be published in the County newspapers of record as defined in Section 1008 of this Charter. The public hearing may, but need not be, held on a legislative session-day and may be adjourned from time to time. After the public hearing, a bill may be finally enacted on a legislative session-day with or without amendment, except, that if a bill is amended before enactment and the amendment constitutes a change of substance, the bill shall not be enacted until it is reprinted or reproduced as amended and a public hearing shall be set thereon and proceedings had, as in the case of a newly introduced bill. Any bill not enacted by the last day of November of each year shall be considered to have failed. To meet a public emergency affecting the public health, safety, or welfare, the County may enact emergency bills. Every emergency bill shall be plainly designated as such and shall contain, after the enacting clause, a declaration stating that an emergency exists and describing the claimed emergency in clear and specific terms. The term "emergency bill" shall not include any measure creating or abolishing any office; changing the compensation, term, or duty of any officer; granting any franchise or special privilege; or creating any vested right or interest. No bill shall be enacted except by the affirmative vote of a majority of the full Council. No emergency bill shall be enacted except by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members of the full Council. In the event of an emergency declared by the Governor pursuant to provisions of State law, which emergency affects any part or all of Prince George's County, the Council may provide, by law, for modification of voting, quorum, and publication requirements consistent with State law, for matters relating to and necessary to respond to the emergency.
Section 411. Executive Veto.Upon the enactment of any bill by the Council, with the exception of such measures made expressly exempt from the executive veto by this Charter, it shall be presented to the County Executive within [five] ten days for his approval or disapproval. Within ten days after such presentation, he shall return any such bill to the Council with his approval endorsed thereon or with a statement, in writing, of his reasons for not approving the same. Upon approval by the County Executive, any such bill shall become law. Upon veto by the County Executive, his veto message shall be entered in the Journal of the Council, and, not later than at its next legislative session-day, the Council may reconsider the bill. If, upon reconsideration, two-thirds of the members of the full Council vote in the affirmative, the bill shall become law. Whenever the County Executive shall fail to return any such bill within ten days after the date of its presentation to him, the Clerk of the Council shall forthwith record the fact of such failure in the Journal, and such bill shall thereupon become law. In the case of budget and appropriation bills, the County Executive may disapprove or reduce individual items in such bills, except where precluded by State law. Each item or items not disapproved or reduced in a budget and appropriation bill shall become law, and each item or items disapproved or reduced in a budget and appropriation bill shall be subject to the same procedure as any other bill vetoed by the County Executive.
SECTION 2. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that a copy of this Act be transmitted to the County Executive for publication and that a copy also be transmitted to the Board of Supervisors of Elections for submission of the proposed amendment to the voters of this County at the 2006 General Election pursuant to Section 1105 of the Charter.
SECTION 3. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that the question of adoption of this proposed Charter Amendment shall be submitted to the voters of the County at the General Election occurring on November 7, 2006, and shall be placed on the ballot in the following form:
To amend the prescribed scheduling and notice periods for legislation by the Clerk of the Council; to amend the time for presentation of enacted bills to the County Executive; and to authorize amendments to the County legislative process during an emergency declared by the Governor for matters relating to and responsive to the emergency.
Brian's interpretation: I don't like changes that allow for deep changes to governmental procedure without strict limits thereon. For instance, there's no mandatory sunset requirments for the proposed "modifications". I'd vote NO.
Question F
AN ACT concerning
Amendment of Section 819, Charter of Prince George's County
For the purpose of proposing an amendment to Section 819 of the Charter of Prince George's County to provide an approval process for the making of certain contracts providing for the payment of funds at a time beyond the fiscal year in which the contract is made.
BY proposing an amendment to:
Section 819,
Charter of Prince George's County, Maryland.SECTION 1. BE IT ENACTED by the County Council of Prince George's County, Maryland, that the following amendment to Section 819, Charter of Prince George's County, Maryland, is hereby proposed:
Sec. 819. Appropriation Control and Certification of Funds.
No agency of the County government shall during any fiscal year expend, or contract to expend, any money or incur any liability, or enter into any contract which, by its terms, involves the expenditure of money for any purpose in excess of the amounts appropriated in the budget for such fiscal year, or in any supplemental appropriation as herein provided; and no such payment shall be made nor any obligation or liability incurred, except for purchases in an amount to be fixed by legislative act, unless the Director of Finance or his designee shall first certify that the funds for the designated purpose are available. If any officer, agent or employee of the County government shall knowingly violate this provision, he shall be personally liable and such action shall be cause, after public hearing, for his removal from office by the County Executive or by majority vote of the Council, notwithstanding the provisions of Article IX of this Charter. Nothing in this Charter shall [prevent] authorize the making of contracts providing for the payment of funds at a time beyond the fiscal year in which such contracts are made for personal service contracts exceeding an aggregate of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) per contractor, or such other sum as may be set by legislative act, and an aggregate of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) for all other multiyear contracts, or such other sum as may be set by legislative act, provided the nature of such transactions reasonably requires the making of such contracts, unless such contracts are approved by legislative act. No language in such contract, including language subjecting the contract to further funding availability, shall obviate the requirement that all multiyear contracts shall be approved by legislative act. Any contract, lease, or other obligation requiring the payment of funds from the appropriations of a later fiscal year shall made or approved by legislative act. No contract for the purchase of real property shall be made unless the funds therefor are included in the capital budget.
SECTION 2. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that a copy of this Act be transmitted to the County Executive for publication and that a copy also be transmitted to the Board of Supervisors of Elections for submission of the proposed amendment to the voters of this County at the 2006 General Election pursuant to Section 1105 of the Charter.
SECTION 3. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that the question of adoption of this proposed Charter Amendment shall be submitted to the voters of the County at the General Election occurring on November 7, 2006, and shall be placed on the ballot in the following form:
To provide an approval process for the making of certain contracts providing for the payment of funds at a time beyond the fiscal year in which the contract is made.
Brian's interpretation: Question F makes multi-year expenditures over $100K a prerogative of the County Council (thus removing that power from the County Executive). Yeah, that's the ongoing battle. So, vote YES on F if you want more power for the Council, and less for the County Executive.
Question G
AN ACT concerning
Amendment of Section 814, Charter of Prince George's County
For the purpose of proposing an amendment to Section 814 of the Charter of Prince George's County to provide an approval process for certain intrafund transfers of appropriations within County agencies.
BY proposing an amendment to:
Section 814,
Charter of Prince George's County, Maryland.SECTION 1. BE IT ENACTED by the County Council of Prince George's County, Maryland, that the following amendment to Section 814, Charter of Prince George's County, Maryland, is hereby proposed:
Sec. 814. Transfers of Appropriations.
Transfers of appropriations between general classifications of expenditures in the current expense budget within the same agency and within the same fund may be authorized by the County Executive ; provided, however, that transfers exceeding a $250,000.00 aggregate, or such other sum as may be set by legislative act, in one fiscal year may be made on the recommendation of the County Executive with the approval of the County Council. Transfers between agencies of the County government and within the same fund of the current expense budget may be made on the recommendation of the County Executive and with the approval of the Council. Interproject transfers of appropriations between capital projects in the capital budget may be authorized by legislative act of the Council upon request of the County Executive, but no new project shall be created nor any abandoned except in accordance with Section 818 and Section 820 of this Charter. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to prevent the Council, upon request of the County Executive, from providing by law for interfund cash borrowings to meet temporary cash requirements nor to prevent reimbursements among funds for services rendered.
SECTION 2. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that a copy of this Act be transmitted to the County Executive for publication and that a copy also be transmitted to the Board of Supervisors of Elections for submission of the proposed amendment to the voters of this County at the 2006 General Election pursuant to Section 1105 of the Charter.
SECTION 3. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that the question of adoption of this proposed Charter Amendment shall be submitted to the voters of the County at the General Election occurring on November 7, 2006, and shall be placed on the ballot in the following form:
To provide an approval process for certain intrafund transfers of appropriations within County agencies.
Brian's interpretation: Question G makes inter-agency appropriations transfers of over $250K require approval of the County Council, on recommendation of the Executive. So, vote YES on F if you want more power for the Council, and less for the County Executive.
Question H
AN ACT concerning
Amendment of Section 322, Charter of Prince George's County
For the purpose of proposing an amendment to Section 322 of the Charter of Prince George's County to allow additional time for holding a public hearing on executive appointments and providing that failure to act within forty-five days shall constitute approval.
BY proposing an amendment to:
Section 322
Charter of Prince George's County, Maryland.SECTION 1. BE IT ENACTED by the County Council of Prince George's County, Maryland, that the following amendment to Section 322, Charter of Prince George's County, Maryland, is hereby proposed:
Section 322. Confirmation of Administrative Appointments.
Administrative appointments by the County Executive to the position of Chief Administrative Officer, head of an agency in the executive branch of the County government, or member of a board or commission and any executive director thereof shall be subject to confirmation by the Council. The Council shall hold public hearings on all such appointments not less than [ten] thirty days after their submission to the Council by the County Executive. If the Council fails to act to confirm or reject such appointments within [thirty] forty-five days of their submission to the Council by the County Executive, the appointment shall stand approved. In the case of appointments by the County Executive to the position of Chief Administrative Officer or head of an agency in the executive branch of the County government, a vote of two-thirds of the members of the full Council shall be required to reject such appointment. In the case of appointments by the County Executive to membership on a board or commission, or appointments of any executive director thereof, a vote of a majority of the full Council shall be required to reject such appointment.
SECTION 2. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that a copy of this Act be transmitted to the County Executive for publication and that a copy also be transmitted to the Board of Supervisors of Elections for submission of the proposed amendment to the voters of this County at the 2006 General Election pursuant to Section 1105 of the Charter.
SECTION 3. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that the question of adoption of this proposed Charter Amendment shall be submitted to the voters of the County at the General Election occurring on November 7, 2006, and shall be placed on the ballot in the following form:
To allow additional time for holding a public hearing on executive appointments and providing that failure to act within forty-five days shall constitute approval.
Brian's interpretation: The squabbling continues. I don't like this one, the changes only let the Council drag out a process that already exists. But if you want the Council to have more power, vote YES.
Question I
AN ACT concerning
Borrowing to Finance Capital Projects for Library Facilities
For the purpose of authorizing Prince George's County, Maryland, to borrow money upon its full faith and credit at any time and from time to time, in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $11,288,000 to finance the design, construction, reconstruction, extension, acquisition, improvement, enlargement, alteration, renovation, relocation, rehabilitation, or repair of Library Facilities including the acquisition of sites therefor; prescribing terms and conditions upon which bonds issued pursuant to this Act shall be issued and sold and other incidental details with respect thereto; providing generally for the issuance of such bonds and providing for such borrowing to be submitted to a referendum of the legal voters of the County.
SECTION 1. BE IT ENACTED by the County Council of Prince George's County, Maryland, that Prince George's County, Maryland (the "County"), is hereby authorized, pursuant to Section 323 of the Charter of Prince George's County, Maryland (the "Charter"), to borrow money and incur indebtedness upon its full faith and credit, at any time and from time to time, in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $11,288,000 to finance the design, construction, reconstruction, extension, acquisition, improvement, enlargement, alteration, renovation, relocation, rehabilitation, or repair of, Library Facilities, including the acquisition and development of sites therefor, the architectural and engineering services incident thereto, and the acquisition and installation of necessary fixed permanent equipment therefor, all such capital projects hereby being found to be (and also being in fact) of the same generic class and being described in the capital program of the County for the fiscal years 2007-2012, under the following headings, which descriptions are incorporated by reference as if set forth herein:
CIP-ID Project Name HL719153 Library Branch Renovation HL719283 District 7 Branch Library HL719303 Laurel Library ExpansionReference to the County's capital program for the fiscal years 2007-2012 is made for purposes of description only and such reference shall include the same capital projects in any amended or subsequent capital program.
SECTION 2. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that any general obligation bonds to be issued pursuant to this Act shall be issued and sold pursuant to Bond Issue Authorization Ordinances adopted in accordance with Sections 323 and 823 of the Charter and other applicable provisions of Sections 10 and 11 of Article 31 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended, replaced, or recodified from time to time, but the County shall sell such bonds only by solicitation of competitive bids therefor at public sale in such manner and after giving such public notice as the County Council may by ordinance determine. Such bonds may be sold for such price or prices as may be determined to be for the best interest of the County, either at, above or below the par value of any such bonds, and such bonds may be sold in conjunction with other series of bonds issued by the County in which event the notice of sale soliciting bids for the purchase of such bonds may require that the acceptance of any bid for any series of bonds be made contingent upon the acceptance of the bid or bids on all or any of the series being offered by the County for sale at the same time. When such bonds are sold in conjunction with other series of bonds, the said notice of sale may also require that consolidated bids shall be submitted on any two or more of such series of bonds.
Nothing in this Act shall in any way limit the authority provided for the refunding of County indebtedness by Section 24 of Article 31 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended or supplemented from time to time or by any other applicable law, and all such authority is intended to be available to the County to refund any indebtedness incurred pursuant to this Act to the maximum extent provided by such authority.
Such bonds may be issued in an amount sufficient to finance the costs of the Library Facilities and the cost of issuance of the bonds. Prior to the application of the proceeds of such bonds to finance the costs of the Library Facilities, the cost of issuance of such bonds for such Library Facilities may be deducted from such proceeds.
SECTION 3. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that this Act shall be submitted to the legal voters of the County, for their approval or disapproval, at the general election to be held in the County on Tuesday, November 7, 2006. The question to be certified to the Board of Supervisors of Elections of the County for inclusion on the ballot for said general election shall be in substantially the following form:
AN ACT enabling the County to borrow money and issue bonds in an amount not exceeding $11,288,000 to finance the design, construction, reconstruction, extension, acquisition, improvement, enlargement, alteration, renovation, relocation, rehabilitation or repair of Library Facilities, as defined therein.
SECTION 4. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that the powers granted by this Act are additional and cumulative and the bonds to be issued pursuant to this Act may be issued, notwithstanding that other bond acts or laws may provide for the issuance of other bonds or the borrowing of money for the same or similar purposes on the same or other terms and conditions. This Act shall be liberally construed to effectuate its purposes, namely, to authorize the borrowing of money and the incurring of indebtedness to finance the described capital projects of the same generic class set forth in this Act. Provisions of this Act shall be deemed met and satisfied if there is substantial compliance with such provisions, including (without limitation) provisions relating to the submission of any question to the legal voters of the County which are intended only to provide fair and adequate notice to such voters and not to prescribe provisions which must be literally satisfied. This Act is not intended to provide or imply that this act or any prior act not containing a similar provision precludes the County from exercising any power or prerogative provided by this Act or any other law whether exercised solely pursuant to such other law or in conjunction with the powers provided by this Act so that, without limiting the generality of this section, the County may exercise the power to issue (i) bond anticipation notes (in anticipation of the issuance of bonds pursuant to this Act or otherwise) and grant anticipation notes pursuant to Section 12 of Article 31 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended, replaced, or recodified from time to time, and (ii) bonds (or any related bond anticipation or other notes) authorized by Sections 14-201 to 14-214, inclusive, of Article 41 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended, replaced, or recodified from time to time, and in exercising such powers, the County may sell such notes or bonds at private (negotiated) sale as authorized by these or any other applicable laws.
SECTION 5. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that this Act shall become effective immediately upon the date of the official certification of its approval by the voters at said general election.
Brian's interpretation: I like libraries.
Question J
AN ACT concerning
Borrowing to Finance Capital Projects for Public Works and Transportation Facilities
For the purpose of authorizing Prince George's County, Maryland, to borrow money upon its full faith and credit at any time and from time to time, in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $62,327,000 to finance the design, construction, reconstruction, extension, acquisition, improvement, enlargement, alteration, renovation, relocation, rehabilitation, or repair of Public Works and Transportation Facilities, including the acquisition of sites therefor; prescribing terms and conditions upon which bonds issued pursuant to this Act shall be issued and sold and other incidental details with respect thereto; providing generally for the issuance of such bonds and providing for such borrowing to be submitted to a referendum of the legal voters of the County.
SECTION 1. BE IT ENACTED by the County Council of Prince George's County, Maryland, that Prince George's County, Maryland (the "County"), is hereby authorized, pursuant to Section 323 of the Charter of Prince George's County, Maryland (the "Charter"), to borrow money and incur indebtedness upon its full faith and credit, at any time and from time to time, in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $62,327,000 to finance the design, construction, reconstruction, extension, acquisition, improvement, enlargement, alteration, renovation, relocation, rehabilitation, or repair of, Public Works and Transportation Facilities (including roads and bridges, parking lots and maintenance facilities), including the acquisition and development of sites therefor, the architectural and engineering services incident thereto, and the acquisition and installation of necessary fixed permanent equipment therefor, all such capital projects hereby being found to be (and also being in fact) of the same generic class and being described in the capital program of the County for the fiscal years 2007-2012, under the following headings, which descriptions are incorporated by reference as if set forth herein:
CIP-ID Project Name FD668042 Bridge Repair and Replacement FH668545 Bus Mass Transit/Rail Mass Transit FD664221 Church Road Improvements FD668525 Curbs and Road Rehabilitation FD667463 DPW&T Facilities FH668615 Langley Park Transit Center FD664201 Montgomery Road Improvements FD667333 Planning and Site Acquisition FD668605 Revitalization and Beautification FD669761 School Access Projects FD669581 Sound Barriers FD667524 Street Lights and Traffic Signals FD664081 Suitland Road FD668595 Transportation EnhancementsReference to the County's capital program for the fiscal years 2007-2012 is made for purposes of description only and such reference shall include the same capital projects in any amended or subsequent capital program.
SECTION 2. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that any general obligation bonds to be issued pursuant to this Act shall be issued and sold pursuant to Bond Issue Authorization Ordinances adopted in accordance with Sections 323 and 823 of the Charter and other applicable provisions of Sections 10 and 11 of Article 31 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended, replaced, or recodified from time to time, but the County shall sell such bonds only by solicitation of competitive bids therefor at public sale in such manner and after giving such public notice as the County Council may by ordinance determine. Such bonds may be sold for such price or prices as may be determined to be for the best interest of the County, either at, above or below the par value of any such bonds, and such bonds may be sold in conjunction with other series of bonds issued by the County in which event the notice of sale soliciting bids for the purchase of such bonds may require that the acceptance of any bid for any series of bonds be made contingent upon the acceptance of the bid or bids on all or any of the series being offered by the County for sale at the same time. When such bonds are sold in conjunction with other series of bonds, the said notice of sale may also require that consolidated bids shall be submitted on any two or more of such series of bonds.
Nothing in this Act shall in any way limit the authority provided for the refunding of County indebtedness by Section 24 of Article 31 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended or supplemented from time to time or by any other applicable law, and all such authority is intended to be available to the County to refund any indebtedness incurred pursuant to this Act to the maximum extent provided by such authority.
Such bonds may be issued in an amount sufficient to finance the costs of the Public Works and Transportation Facilities and the cost of issuance of the bonds. Prior to the application of the proceeds of such bonds to finance the costs of the Public Works and Transportation Facilities, the cost of issuance of such bonds for such Public Works and Transportation Facilities may be deducted from such proceeds.
SECTION 3. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that this Act shall be submitted to the legal voters of the County, for their approval or disapproval, at the general election to be held in the County on Tuesday, November 7, 2006. The question to be certified to the Board of Supervisors of Elections of the County for inclusion on the ballot for said general election shall be in substantially the following form:
AN ACT enabling the County to borrow money and issue bonds in an amount not exceeding $62,327,000 to finance the design, construction, reconstruction, extension, acquisition, improvement, enlargement, alteration, renovation, relocation, rehabilitation or repair of Public Works and Transportation Facilities (including roads and bridges, parking lots, and maintenance facilities), as defined therein.
SECTION 4. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that the powers granted by this Act are additional and cumulative and the bonds to be issued pursuant to this Act may be issued, notwithstanding that other bond acts or laws may provide for the issuance of other bonds or the borrowing of money for the same or similar purposes on the same or other terms and conditions. This Act shall be liberally construed to effectuate its purposes, namely, to authorize the borrowing of money and the incurring of indebtedness to finance the described capital projects of the same generic class set forth in this Act. Provisions of this Act shall be deemed met and satisfied if there is substantial compliance with such provisions, including (without limitation) provisions relating to the submission of any question to the legal voters of the County which are intended only to provide fair and adequate notice to such voters and not to prescribe provisions which must be literally satisfied. This Act is not intended to provide or imply that this act or any prior act not containing a similar provision precludes the County from exercising any power or prerogative provided by this Act or any other law whether exercised solely pursuant to such other law or in conjunction with the powers provided by this Act so that, without limiting the generality of this section, the County may exercise the power to issue (i) bond anticipation notes (in anticipation of the issuance of bonds pursuant to this Act or otherwise) and grant anticipation notes pursuant to Section 12 of Article 31 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended, replaced, or recodified from time to time, and (ii) bonds (or any related bond anticipation or other notes) authorized by Sections 14-201 to 14-214, inclusive, of Article 41 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended, replaced, or recodified from time to time, and in exercising such powers, the County may sell such notes or bonds at private (negotiated) sale as authorized by these or any other applicable laws.
SECTION 5. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that this Act shall become effective immediately upon the date of the official certification of its approval by the voters at said general election.
Brian's interpretation: Yeah, I guess so. I mean, infrastructure work needs to be done, and it needs to be paid for ...
Question K
AN ACT concerning
Borrowing to Finance Capital Projects for Public Safety Facilities
For the purpose of authorizing Prince George's County, Maryland, to borrow money upon its full faith and credit at any time and from time to time, in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $9,259,000 to finance the design, construction, reconstruction, extension, acquisition, improvement, enlargement, alteration, renovation, relocation, rehabilitation, or repair of Public Safety Facilities (including Fire Department Facilities), including the acquisition of sites therefor; prescribing terms and conditions upon which bonds issued pursuant to this Act shall be issued and sold and other incidental details with respect thereto; providing generally for the issuance of such bonds and providing for such borrowing to be submitted to a referendum of the legal voters of the County.
SECTION 1. BE IT ENACTED by the County Council of Prince George's County, Maryland, that Prince George's County, Maryland (the "County"), is hereby authorized, pursuant to Section 323 of the Charter of Prince George's County, Maryland (the "Charter"), to borrow money and incur indebtedness upon its full faith and credit, at any time and from time to time, in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $9,259,000 to finance the design, construction, reconstruction, extension, acquisition, improvement, enlargement, alteration, renovation, relocation, rehabilitation, or repair of, Public Safety Facilities, including the acquisition and development of sites therefor, the architectural and engineering services incident thereto, and the acquisition and installation of necessary fixed permanent equipment therefor, all such capital projects hereby being found to be (and also being in fact) of the same generic class and being described in the capital program of the County for the fiscal years 2007-2012, under the following headings, which descriptions are incorporated by reference as if set forth herein:
CIP-ID Project Name LK510651 Fire Station Renovations LK510648 Fire Station Roof Renovations JT561673 Housing Units Expansion JT561873 Work Release Detox CenterReference to the County's capital program for the years 2007-2012 is made for purposes of description only and such reference shall include the same capital projects in any amended or subsequent capital program.
SECTION 2. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that any general obligation bonds to be issued pursuant to this Act shall be issued and sold pursuant to Bond Issue Authorization Ordinances adopted in accordance with Sections 323 and 823 of the Charter and other applicable provisions of Sections 10 and 11 of Article 31 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended, replaced, or recodified from time to time, but the County shall sell such bonds only by solicitation of competitive bids therefor at public sale in such manner and after giving such public notice as the County Council may by ordinance determine. Such bonds may be sold for such price or prices as may be determined to be for the best interest of the County, either at, above or below the par value of any such bonds, and such bonds may be sold in conjunction with other series of bonds issued by the County in which event the notice of sale soliciting bids for the purchase of such bonds may require that the acceptance of any bid for any series of bonds be made contingent upon the acceptance of the bid or bids on all or any of the series being offered by the County for sale at the same time. When such bonds are sold in conjunction with other series of bonds, the said notice of sale may also require that consolidated bids shall be submitted on any two or more of such series of bonds.
Nothing in this Act shall in any way limit the authority provided for the refunding of County indebtedness by Section 24 of Article 31 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended or supplemented from time to time or by any other applicable law, and all such authority is intended to be available to the County to refund any indebtedness incurred pursuant to this Act to the maximum extent provided by such authority.
Such bonds may be issued in an amount sufficient to finance the costs of the Public Safety Facilities and the cost of issuance of the bonds. Prior to the application of the proceeds of such bonds to finance the costs of the Public Safety Facilities, the cost of issuance of such bonds for such Public Safety Facilities may be deducted from such proceeds.
SECTION 3. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that this Act shall be submitted to the legal voters of the County, for their approval or disapproval, at the general election to be held in the County on Tuesday, November 7, 2006. The question to be certified to the Board of Supervisors of Elections of the County for inclusion on the ballot for said general election shall be in substantially the following form:
AN ACT enabling the County to borrow money and issue bonds in an amount not exceeding $9,259,000 to finance the design, construction, reconstruction, extension, acquisition, improvement, enlargement, alteration, renovation, relocation, rehabilitation or repair of Public Safety Facilities (including Fire Department Facilities), as defined therein.
SECTION 4. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that the powers granted by this Act are additional and cumulative and the bonds to be issued pursuant to this Act may be issued, notwithstanding that other bond acts or laws may provide for the issuance of other bonds or the borrowing of money for the same or similar purposes on the same or other terms and conditions. This Act shall be liberally construed to effectuate its purposes, namely, to authorize the borrowing of money and the incurring of indebtedness to finance the described capital projects of the same generic class set forth in this Act. Provisions of this Act shall be deemed met and satisfied if there is substantial compliance with such provisions, including (without limitation) provisions relating to the submission of any question to the legal voters of the County which are intended only to provide fair and adequate notice to such voters and not to prescribe provisions which must be literally satisfied. This Act is not intended to provide or imply that this act or any prior act not containing a similar provision precludes the County from exercising any power or prerogative provided by this Act or any other law whether exercised solely pursuant to such other law or in conjunction with the powers provided by this Act so that, without limiting the generality of this section, the County may exercise the power to issue (i) bond anticipation notes (in anticipation of the issuance of bonds pursuant to this Act or otherwise) and grant anticipation notes pursuant to Section 12 of Article 31 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended, replaced, or recodified from time to time, and (ii) bonds (or any related bond anticipation or other notes) authorized by Sections 14-201 to 14-214, inclusive, of Article 41 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended, replaced, or recodified from time to time, and in exercising such powers, the County may sell such notes or bonds at private (negotiated) sale as authorized by these or any other applicable laws.
SECTION 5. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that this Act shall become effective immediately upon the date of the official certification of its approval by the voters at said general election.
Brian's interpretation: Yeah, happy firemen come out and make my house damp before the blazes eat it. So that's good. Work release detox? What's that about? Housing? I think the firemen benefit from the need for a bit of pork, if you ask me.
Question L
AN ACT concerning
Borrowing to Finance Capital Projects for County Buildings
For the purpose of authorizing Prince George's County, Maryland, to borrow money upon its full faith and credit at any time and from time to time, in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $15,600,000 to finance the design, construction, reconstruction, extension, acquisition, improvement, enlargement, alteration, renovation, relocation, rehabilitation, or repair of County Buildings including the acquisition of sites therefor; prescribing terms and conditions upon which bonds issued pursuant to this Act shall be issued and sold and other incidental details with respect thereto; providing generally for the issuance of such bonds and providing for such borrowing to be submitted to a referendum of the legal voters of the County.
SECTION 1. BE IT ENACTED by the County Council of Prince George's County, Maryland, that Prince George's County, Maryland (the "County"), is hereby authorized, pursuant to Section 323 of the Charter of Prince George's County, Maryland (the "Charter"), to borrow money and incur indebtedness upon its full faith and credit, at any time and from time to time, in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $15,600,000 to finance the design, construction, reconstruction, extension, acquisition, improvement, enlargement, alteration, renovation, relocation, rehabilitation, or repair of, County Buildings, including the acquisition and development of sites therefor, the architectural and engineering services incident thereto, and the acquisition and installation of necessary fixed permanent equipment therefor, all such capital projects hereby being found to be (and also being in fact) of the same generic class and being described in the capital program of the County for the fiscal years 2007-2012, under the following headings, which descriptions are incorporated by reference as if set forth herein:
CIP-ID Project Name SQ300123 County Buildings – Major Renovations II SQ300273 Duval Wing Rebuild SQ300113 Public Safety Communications SystemReference to the County's capital program for the years 2007-2012 is made for purposes of description only and such reference shall include the same capital projects in any amended or subsequent capital program.
SECTION 2. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that any general obligation bonds to be issued pursuant to this Act shall be issued and sold pursuant to Bond Issue Authorization Ordinances adopted in accordance with Sections 323 and 823 of the Charter and other applicable provisions of Sections 10 and 11 of Article 31 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended, replaced, or recodified from time to time, but the County shall sell such bonds only by solicitation of competitive bids therefor at public sale in such manner and after giving such public notice as the County Council may by ordinance determine. Such bonds may be sold for such price or prices as may be determined to be for the best interest of the County, either at, above or below the par value of any such bonds, and such bonds may be sold in conjunction with other series of bonds issued by the County in which event the notice of sale soliciting bids for the purchase of such bonds may require that the acceptance of any bid for any series of bonds be made contingent upon the acceptance of the bid or bids on all or any of the series being offered by the County for sale at the same time. When such bonds are sold in conjunction with other series of bonds, the said notice of sale may also require that consolidated bids shall be submitted on any two or more of such series of bonds.
Nothing in this Act shall in any way limit the authority provided for the refunding of County indebtedness by Section 24 of Article 31 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended or supplemented from time to time or by any other applicable law, and all such authority is intended to be available to the County to refund any indebtedness incurred pursuant to this Act to the maximum extent provided by such authority.
Such bonds may be issued in an amount sufficient to finance the costs of the County Buildings and the cost of issuance of the bonds. Prior to the application of the proceeds of such bonds to finance the costs of the County Buildings, the cost of issuance of such bonds for such County Buildings may be deducted from such proceeds.
SECTION 3. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that this Act shall be submitted to the legal voters of the County, for their approval or disapproval, at the general election to be held in the County on Tuesday, November 7, 2006. The question to be certified to the Board of Supervisors of Elections of the County for inclusion on the ballot for said general election shall be in substantially the following form:
AN ACT enabling the County to borrow money and issue bonds in an amount not exceeding $15,600,000 to finance the design, construction, reconstruction, extension, acquisition, improvement, enlargement, alteration, renovation, relocation, rehabilitation or repair of County Buildings, as defined therein.
SECTION 4. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that the powers granted by this Act are additional and cumulative and the bonds to be issued pursuant to this Act may be issued, notwithstanding that other bond acts or laws may provide for the issuance of other bonds or the borrowing of money for the same or similar purposes on the same or other terms and conditions. This Act shall be liberally construed to effectuate its purposes, namely, to authorize the borrowing of money and the incurring of indebtedness to finance the described capital projects of the same generic class set forth in this Act. Provisions of this Act shall be deemed met and satisfied if there is substantial compliance with such provisions, including (without limitation) provisions relating to the submission of any question to the legal voters of the County which are intended only to provide fair and adequate notice to such voters and not to prescribe provisions which must be literally satisfied. This Act is not intended to provide or imply that this act or any prior act not containing a similar provision precludes the County from exercising any power or prerogative provided by this Act or any other law whether exercised solely pursuant to such other law or in conjunction with the powers provided by this Act so that, without limiting the generality of this section, the County may exercise the power to issue (i) bond anticipation notes (in anticipation of the issuance of bonds pursuant to this Act or otherwise) and grant anticipation notes pursuant to Section 12 of Article 31 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended, replaced, or recodified from time to time, and (ii) bonds (or any related bond anticipation or other notes) authorized by Sections 14-201 to 14-214, inclusive, of Article 41 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended, replaced, or recodified from time to time, and in exercising such powers, the County may sell such notes or bonds at private (negotiated) sale as authorized by these or any other applicable laws.
SECTION 5. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that this Act shall become effective immediately upon the date of the official certification of its approval by the voters at said general election.
Brian's interpretation: Yeah, good idea. The Duval wing burnt a couple of years back, and that space is needed.
Question M
AN ACT concerning
Borrowing to Finance Capital Projects for Prince George's Community College
For the purpose of authorizing Prince George's County, Maryland, to borrow money upon its full faith and credit at any time and from time to time, in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $15,499,000 to finance the design, construction, reconstruction, extension, acquisition, improvement, enlargement, alteration, renovation, relocation, rehabilitation, or repair of Community College Facilities, including the acquisition of sites therefor; prescribing terms and conditions upon which bonds issued pursuant to this Act shall be issued and sold and other incidental details with respect thereto; providing generally for the issuance of such bonds and providing for such borrowing to be submitted to a referendum of the legal voters of the County.
SECTION 1. BE IT ENACTED by the County Council of Prince George's County, Maryland, that Prince George's County, Maryland (the "County"), is hereby authorized, pursuant to Section 323 of the Charter of Prince George's County, Maryland (the "Charter"), to borrow money and incur indebtedness upon its full faith and credit, at any time and from time to time, in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $15,499,000 to finance the design, construction, reconstruction, extension, acquisition, improvement, enlargement, alteration, renovation, relocation, rehabilitation, or repair of, Community College Facilities, including the acquisition and development of sites therefor, the architectural and engineering services incident thereto, and the acquisition and installation of necessary fixed permanent equipment therefor, all such capital projects hereby being found to be (and also being in fact) of the same generic class and being described in the capital program of the County for the fiscal years 2007-2012, under the following headings, which descriptions are incorporated by reference as if set forth herein:
CIP-ID Project Name OA852193 Center for Health Studies OA852171 Circulation/Roadway Modifications OA850999 Enterprise Resource Planning SystemReference to the County's capital program for the fiscal years 2007-2012 is made for purposes of description only and such reference shall include the same capital projects in any amended or subsequent capital program.
SECTION 2. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that any general obligation bonds to be issued pursuant to this Act shall be issued and sold pursuant to Bond Issue Authorization Ordinances adopted in accordance with Sections 323 and 823 of the Charter and other applicable provisions of Sections 10 and 11 of Article 31 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended, replaced, or recodified from time to time, but the County shall sell such bonds only by solicitation of competitive bids therefor at public sale in such manner and after giving such public notice as the County Council may by ordinance determine. Such bonds may be sold for such price or prices as may be determined to be for the best interest of the County, either at, above or below the par value of any such bonds, and such bonds may be sold in conjunction with other series of bonds issued by the County in which event the notice of sale soliciting bids for the purchase of such bonds may require that the acceptance of any bid for any series of bonds be made contingent upon the acceptance of the bid or bids on all or any of the series being offered by the County for sale at the same time. When such bonds are sold in conjunction with other series of bonds, the said notice of sale may also require that consolidated bids shall be submitted on any two or more of such series of bonds.
Nothing in this Act shall in any way limit the authority provided for the refunding of County indebtedness by Section 24 of Article 31 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended or supplemented from time to time or by any other applicable law, and all such authority is intended to be available to the County to refund any indebtedness incurred pursuant to this Act to the maximum extent provided by such authority.
Such bonds may be issued in an amount sufficient to finance the costs of the Community College Facilities and the cost of issuance of the bonds. Prior to the application of the proceeds of such bonds to finance the costs of the Community College Facilities, the cost of issuance of such bonds for such Community College Facilities may be deducted from such proceeds.
SECTION 3. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that this Act shall be submitted to the legal voters of the County, for their approval or disapproval, at the general election to be held in the County on Tuesday, November 7, 2006. The question to be certified to the Board of Supervisors of Elections of the County for inclusion on the ballot for said general election shall be in substantially the following form:
AN ACT enabling the County to borrow money and issue bonds in an amount not exceeding $15,499,000 to finance the design, construction, reconstruction, extension, acquisition, improvement, enlargement, alteration, renovation, relocation, rehabilitation or repair of Community College Facilities, as defined therein.
SECTION 4. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that the powers granted by this Act are additional and cumulative and the bonds to be issued pursuant to this Act may be issued, notwithstanding that other bond acts or laws may provide for the issuance of other bonds or the borrowing of money for the same or similar purposes on the same or other terms and conditions. This Act shall be liberally construed to effectuate its purposes, namely, to authorize the borrowing of money and the incurring of indebtedness to finance the described capital projects of the same generic class set forth in this Act. Provisions of this Act shall be deemed met and satisfied if there is substantial compliance with such provisions, including (without limitation) provisions relating to the submission of any question to the legal voters of the County which are intended only to provide fair and adequate notice to such voters and not to prescribe provisions which must be literally satisfied. This Act is not intended to provide or imply that this act or any prior act not containing a similar provision precludes the County from exercising any power or prerogative provided by this Act or any other law whether exercised solely pursuant to such other law or in conjunction with the powers provided by this Act so that, without limiting the generality of this section, the County may exercise the power to issue (i) bond anticipation notes (in anticipation of the issuance of bonds pursuant to this Act or otherwise) and grant anticipation notes pursuant to Section 12 of Article 31 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended, replaced, or recodified from time to time, and (ii) bonds (or any related bond anticipation or other notes) authorized by Sections 14-201 to 14-214, inclusive, of Article 41 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended, replaced, or recodified from time to time, and in exercising such powers, the County may sell such notes or bonds at private (negotiated) sale as authorized by these or any other applicable laws.
SECTION 5. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that this Act shall become effective immediately upon the date of the official certification of its approval by the voters at said general election.
Brian's interpretation: I'm a fan of education.
Later today I'll call and check with the County offices, to see if I'm horribly wrong, and they have something easily locatable, something I just wasn't capable of finding on my own, that gives voters easy access to the data I've republished here today. You're welcome to have a look at the bills and such yourself: they're in the PG/LIS site
November 4, 2006
0825 - Good morning. Just as the sun was coming over the horizon an hour ago, our outside thermometer registered 27 degrees. The world was the color of Winter Wonderland, without the snow. And everywhere we turn, PAC dollars are assaulting our senses, in preparation for next Tuesday's free-for-all. Today, as Marcia heads out for another day of writing seminar, I've got to get Molly down to the vet's for a nail-trim. Then I'll run some errands down into Bowie and see what sort of trouble I can get into thereafter. Have a great day!
November 5, 2006
1200 - Good morning. After you've had a chance to spend a minute thinking about the lives behind the names below, go read Orson Scott Card's The Only Issue This Election Day. Thought provoking, and certainly worth thinking through before hitting the polls on election day. First, though, my thoughts are with the families and units of our fallen troops...
Okay. Shopping's done, chores remain. Have a Sunday, and help get out the vote, come this Tuesday.
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Visit the rest of the DAYNOTES GANG, a collection of bright minds and sharp wits. Really, I don't know why they tolerate me <grin>. My personal inspiration for these pages is Dr. Jerry Pournelle. I am also indebted to Bob Thompson and Tom Syroid for their patience, guidance and feedback. Of course, I am sustained by and beholden to my lovely wife, Marcia. You can find her online too, at http://www.dutchgirl.net/. Thanks for dropping by.
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