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GRAFFITI -- December 04, 2006 thru December 10, 2006>> Link to the Current Week <<Last Week << Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun >> Next Week Welcome to Orb Graffiti, a place for me to write daily about life and computers. Contrary to popular belief, the two are not interchangeable. About eMail - I publish email sometimes. If you send me an email and you want privacy or anonymity, please say so clearly at the beginning of your message. |
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December 4, 2006
1055 - Good morning. It's been a busy day, and hardly started yet. The best thing so far (and I use "best" in a sarcastic sense) is that my cell phone is safe, at home, where it can't be ... damaged. Used. Whatever. I try to keep my cell phone safety awareness days down to once a month or so. But I've used up my quote pretty early in the month, so that doesn't bode well.
Happy Monday, and in case I missed it, Happy December. Another year's nearly gotten by me. Sigh. Have a great day.
December 5, 2006
0913 - Good morning. Another day in Paradise. Okay, not Paradise. Greater Metro DC. Temps utterly unlike last week. Our warmest day this go-round is tomorrow, which might get up to 50° F. Thursday may bring our first snow flurries of the year, and Friday we'll be lucky to get to the mid-30's for a high.
Yesterday evening I did the bills, using Quicken running under Crossover from Codeweavers. I backed up all of our home data to a mobile drive - that toolchain includes Karen's Replicator running on Marcia's workstation, writing to a Samba share on the home server, plus a combination of OpenSSH, Keychain, and Rsync to handle all of the Linux side of things on the server and my workstation. I prepared Jerry's column for posting today using OpenOffice.org Writer (it handles Jerry's Word documents just fine), the Gimp to scale the images, and Bluefish to format the PHP/HTML. Meantime I was listening to our music library via NFS mount off the home server, using XMMS. Marcia gets to the same repository via read-only Samba mount and uses WinAmp. I stayed in touch at work by running the command-line mail client Mutt in a terminal window running Screen, logged into my office workstation via OpenVPN and OpenSSH. In another Screen window, I was using IRSSI to keep up with the engineering blokes. All of this is pretty much going on simultaneously - I had broken the tasks out over several different desktops under the window manager that I'm currently using: Fluxbox. I am still running Kubuntu, but have flipped away from using KDE as the main WM, since it sucks down insane amounts of RAM in its current iteration in Edgy Eft 6.10.
My point here is that all this stuff works, and where there are issues, my selection of Linux as an OS gives me many more options to choose from while I wait for (or help with) resolution. One thing I'll observe is that, in general, recent distributions like Xandros, *Ubuntu, and others are doing a pretty good job of refining their initial software package selections so as not to overwhelm the user. For new Linux users, this is a boon, because too much choice is a bad thing while you're learning how to keep your balance in a new environment. And for the older hands, a clean, stable platform to build on and add to is a boon as well.
Enough evangelism from me for now - the tools work, the water's fine ... come on and jump in. Happy Tuesday!
December 6, 2006
0900 - Good morning. Well, good for everyone except users of Microsoft Word. Here's what I wrote in another place this morning:
Subject: Vulnerability in Microsoft Word Microsoft Security Advisory (929433) Vulnerability in Microsoft Word Could Allow Remote Code Execution Published: December 5, 2006 http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/advisory/929433.mspx The bottom line from Microsoft at the moment: Do not open or save Word files that you receive from un-trusted sources or that you receive unexpectedly from trusted sources. This vulnerability could be exploited when a user opens a specially crafted Word file. AV signatures aren't caught up yet. You're at risk. Be bloody careful. One reasonably good course of action is to install OpenOffice.org and open Word documents with that instead of MS Word until this is patched. Get OpenOffice here: http://download.openoffice.org/2.0.4/index.html
Last night, I installed Edgy Eft on a testbed machine at home, and got the pretty 3D desktop goo running on it. I'd taking a pass at that before, and not had much luck. All of the various places describing how to set that up have omissions and errors that made it difficult for me in past attempts. People not accustomed to Linux would have a *really* good time ... not. More on this subject once I get a write-up that me, myself, and I are happy with.
Now, another fun, meeting-filled day awaits. Have fun if you can!
December 7, 2006
Pearl Harbor Day.
0748 - Good morning. Plenty to get done in the morning hours today, but I wanted to let you know that I made progress on the eye candy front: I've now got Beryl and Emerald running on Vimes (the main workstation). Kinda silly, really, since mostly I spend time using the mouse to move from terminal to terminal and do most stuff from the command line ... but still, the stuff is cool and pretty. More info coming, but later. Time to work now.
December 8, 2006
No Post.....
December 9, 2006
0901 - Good morning. It's cold here, about 25°F. Still haven't had any snow, and there's none in the extended forecast... just cold. Good thing we have indoor activities planned. All of the holiday shopping is done, we have greeting cards yet to write and send. That's probably this afternoon's task. Other than that, nothing interesting in our lives that I can talk about. Politics and world events abound, but y'all know mostly where I stand on that cruft so I won't bore you with it today. Oh, yeah, on the energy and focus fronts, I don't have much of either - I guess I'm fighting a bug of some kind or another. Bleah. So I'll stop blathering and move on to the next shiny thing. Happy Saturday!
December 10, 2006
1216 -Hullo. This was a bad week for our people in Iraq and Afghanistan:
I don't have the energy to be anything but sad. My heart goes out to the families and units of the fallen.
I'm fighting some sort of virus. Sort of cold-ish, a bit like flu. No fun at all, but not too terrible. I feel more drained than sick, though. I guess I'll wrap this up, as staring past the monitor doesn't seem to add any content here. See y'all later.
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Visit the rest of the DAYNOTES GANG, a collection of bright minds and sharp wits. Really, I don't know why they tolerate me <grin>. My personal inspiration for these pages is Dr. Jerry Pournelle. I am also indebted to Bob Thompson and Tom Syroid for their patience, guidance and feedback. Of course, I am sustained by and beholden to my lovely wife, Marcia. You can find her online too, at http://www.dutchgirl.net/. Thanks for dropping by.
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