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GRAFFITI -- February 26, 2007 thru March 04, 2007>> Link to the Current Week <<Last Week << Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun >> Next Week Welcome to Orb Graffiti, a place for me to write daily about life and computers. Contrary to popular belief, the two are not interchangeable. About eMail - I publish email sometimes. If you send me an email and you want privacy or anonymity, please say so clearly at the beginning of your message. |
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February 26, 2007
0842 - Good morning. Painting is done except for trim work. Meetings and agendas all week. This chaos has got to slow down sometime, right? Happy Monday.
February 27, 2007
0653 - Good morning. I'll admit it: I had a much longer post written for yesterday morning. But I stood up and drove off to work not only without publishing it, but without saving it. So I connected from work, killed off the GUI client that had the file open (just on general principles), and wrote the short crappy bit that will live into eternity.
Speaking of eternity, it snowed on Sunday. That's not horridly unusual, but there was a forecast for a little sleet at dawn quickly converting to all rain for the bulk of the day. So imagine how startled we were to have the day dawn dry, start with a little rain as we went out for the early shopping, and snow was falling hard by the time we got back home. And it kept doing so for most of the day, changing back to sleet only around dusk. Marcia shovelled once while I was painting, and I did again, at the end of the day. All that work wasn't needed, as everything was melted off by noon today, except in the big piles created by plowing and shovelling. Eternity, you ask? Something that snow will never see...
I also noted, in the post that wasn't, that I want to start leaning this space back towards the eye-glazingly technical side. But that's never going to start on a Monday night ... and the honey-do list has considerable items with "in progress" associated thereto. So eventually, my friends, eventually.
Yesterday was full of meetings, today not so much, I think. There are some internal DNS issues to resolve, and I need to start doing QA on an RC. So time is short, as usual. See ya!
February 28, 2007
1458 - Good afternoon. Trying to restore the "daily" in this venue, I find myself — surprise — hating computers. What a shock! We've got mis-behaving machines here, I've got configuration errors over there, blah blah blah. Easier to blame the machines, I think.
Our new headboard is in, so we'll pick that up tonight, and shop for the new bed, as well. I'd best get back to the grind - not much time to spare.
March 1, 2007
0831 - Good morning. As I get older, I seem to fall further into line with Bob Heinlein on a number of issues. Today's peeve is line jumpers. IIRC, it was in The Cat Who Walks Through Walls where Richard talks to Hazel about what the fitting first penalty for a line jumper should be ... and he holds out for something less than "out the airlock". Me, I'm getting mighty tired of those who are in the backup behind me, then cut out into the emergency lane (right or left) and go forward until the road narrows then cut back into traffic, creating occasional havok and much bad feeling. Me, I think "out the airlock" would teach them a good lesson. Okay, it would teach everyone else a good lesson, and prevent the miscreant from ever doing that again.
Bunch of boxes to prep for a training gig today, along with whatever QA I can squeeze in. Hmmm. First of March ... in California, I'd have my first speculative set of tomato plants in the ground. Here, I don't dare until at least May. Oh, well. Ciao!
March 2, 2007
0709 - Good morning. I may have noted before that I'm a reasonably fanatical fan of the Bard, having seen most of the canon in one form or another over the years, and many productions of several of those, from a couple of Twelfth Night to a half dozen or better of Taming. My favorites are probably the histories, but I have a soft spot for the Scottish Play. So when a new production of that play shows up in our monthly Smithsonian Associates magazine, I was drawn to it. Oooh. Um. Well, I'm not sure a Tlingit-inspired production is going to tickle my fancy. I'm quite sure they're a very talented cast, and that it's ... interesting. But I've seen Ceasar in a trenchcoat, and Petruccio in leathers on a Harley. I'm not nearly as excited by interpretations as by productions as true as possible to Shakespeare's time and staging. Does that make me a theatre prude?
Mmmm. I'll tell you what is tasty, though...Toccata and Fugue in D Minor on the Royal Albert Hall Organ. I had that cranked up to 11 last night (yeah, my audio setup has a physical dial, along with several software sliders). Rockin! iTunes tells me that at the moment, with some percentage of our music available on the home server, I can listen to stuff for 27.4 days without direct track repeats. Of course there are piece repeats - for example, I have six distinct versions of Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, one in Brass. That's kinda trippy, and not really my favorite as the horns just don't seem to be able to make the transitions quickly enough. Probably Wynton Marsallis could do it - his Flight of the Bumblebee on the trumpet is bloody amazing. I have that, too.
Okay. Off to work. Ciao!
March 3, 2007
No Post......
March 4, 2007
0943 - Good morning. Up and moving around. I've done some paint tweaks already, and gotten the back seat of the truck vacuumed out. We're off to shop in a moment, see y'all a bit later.
1218 - Hola. The shopping's done and the laundry is running. Yesterday I finished touch-up, trim painting, and electrical work in the master bedroom. Only one area wasn't to my liking, so I cut, and patched that. Today that is painted, too. There's still the door to put up, but I may hold off on that until the carpet goes in. Today I'm going to finish building the track system for Marcia's quilting machine. But duty before chores...
I had to look twice, as my friend Trang is married to a bloke named Beardsley. I'm glad it wasn't her hubby, but am sad for all the families of the fallen.
Now, chores. Be well...
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Visit the rest of the DAYNOTES GANG, a collection of bright minds and sharp wits. Really, I don't know why they tolerate me <grin>. My personal inspiration for these pages is Dr. Jerry Pournelle. I am also indebted to Bob Thompson and Tom Syroid for their patience, guidance and feedback. Of course, I am sustained by and beholden to my lovely wife, Marcia. You can find her online too, at http://www.dutchgirl.net/. Thanks for dropping by.
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