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GRAFFITI -- August 03, 2009 thru August 09, 2009>> Link to the Current Week <<Last Week << Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun >> Next Week Welcome to Orb Graffiti, a place for me to write daily about life and computers. Contrary to popular belief, the two are not interchangeable. About eMail - I publish email sometimes. If you send me an email and you want privacy or anonymity, please say so clearly at the beginning of your message. |
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August 3, 2009
No Post.
August 4, 2009
1909 - Not much to report, but there are people who notice if I'm not here for more than a day. Yesterday I finished my last project (20% of the grade) for my CMIS375 Perl course. It's all over except for the shouting ... and the final, which I'm taking on August 15 in the morning. Work was work, and there were a few tomatoes out of the garden today, I'll haul those into work tomorrow and make some folks happy. Now to work on catching up with my reading - I have a 12" stack of magazines and journals. Ciao!
August 5, 2009
No Post...
August 6, 2009
1947 - Whoops. Hmm. I was baking last night, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. I did a double batch of chocolate tollhouse cookies, and took them to work today. People were either happy or called me evil. Some managed both states. Tonight, reading. Also, RIP John Hughes, director of Ferris Bueller's Day Off (among others), dead young, of a heart attack. Now, on to the magazines, after finishing Anthony's Xone of Contention. Yeah, another fun (pun?) filled Xanth book. I can't help myself, they're one of my guilty pleasures! Thanks again, Piers! Now, ciao!
August 7, 2009
2211 - Mowed the front dead-grass/weed patch when I got home today. Fed the dogs. Made some pork fajitas, yum. Read and watched some physics lecture. Oh, and darn it, I missed 12:34:56 today (123456789), being the seventh day of the eighth month of the nineth year. V.tired, ciao!
August 8, 2009
2046 - A lazy morning punctuated by Lucy Vomit Watch (tm). She didn't, but refusing food, runny poop, and noshing on grass were leading indicators. Recovery was indicated by early afternoon, which was a good thing because of another commitment. I offered to watch the house while a neighbor's memorial service was ongoing. So I worked the front yard, and gave steely glares to all unknown vehicles for three and a half hours this afternoon. I did get caught up on the weeding and pruning in front: multitasking is good. A light dinner and some WoW round out the day. Ciao!
August 9, 2009
![]() Sunday harvest |
1630 - It's not precisely Alzheimer's or dementia that afflicts me (though some might argue...). A few minutes ago, I went downstairs to grab the camera so that I could offload the picture I took of today's haul out of the garden, see above. So I stirred and tasted the red sauce in progress: very good. The prior tasting exhibited too much sweet and "brightness", so I'd added some of the previously forgotten bay leaves. Now the sauce is coming right along. So I turned off the heat, moved the pot to cool spot and covered the sauce. I washed and dried the stirring spoon and the spatter guard. Then I got a bar out of the pantry to nosh on, and headed back upstairs.
I settled down, reached for the camera, and ... Argh! So, a little more exercise, and nothing else to do on this trip down and up, I grabbed the camera and got moving. I actually exported the pictures from the camera in two lots, as Marcia's snaps of the assorted work she did on cushions, bumpers, pads, diaper bags, seat backs, quilt, etc. for niece Faye's nursery was also on the camera. I wanted to bring those into iPhoto as a single batch for easier management down the road.
After shopping and whatnot, by late morning it was 95+ F outside, certainly the hottest day of the summer so far. Too hot to do much in the garden, but worth wandering through and grabbing stuff that's ready. So, four cucumbers; maybe six or five pounds of tomatoes, and assorted peppers: mostly serrano, but some hot yellow and jalapeño, too. I made 3/4 of a gallon of "mild" salsa. Then I sauteed another yellow onion and some more garlic in EVOO, and tipped that into the red sauce. Pretty soon I'm going to have to decide what's for supper, so that I can start thawing...
The new little banner at the top symbolizes Hope right now. I've been waiting for a close Usenix event for a while, and LISA, along with the general Usenix conference, were at the top of my list, but rarely close. When an email arrived in my box saying, "Baltimore." Well, all I could do was cheer. A year or more ago, I'd signed up for a handful of Peter Baer Galvin Solaris courses being offered by Usenix as an addon to a SANS conference. Those all got cancelled, grrr. Now he's back, and half of my proposed time at LISA '09 will be in Solaris courses. Proposed, because I need to check if there's corporate budget for this. If there isn't, then I need to check if there's personal budget for this. One way or another, I'm going. But I haven't paid the money yet - I'll do that tomorrow, I think.
The withdrawl from Iraqi cities may make US Democrats and some Iraqi politicians happy (and mean that not nearly as many American service members are being killed in Iraq), but for the victims of the ongoing, increasing political and religious violence and bombings, one has to wonder how the Iraqi in the street feels about it. Frankly, it illustrates what I've said before - they're psychopaths over there, in a much larger percentage than elsewhere in the world. Certainly no less psychopathic than the so-called Christians who bomb abortion clinics here in the US, but they're an exception here. There, they're the rule. Poor damned people who have to live with that lunacy around them every day. I expect that either we continue to withdraw troops according to the timetable, and the Iraqis up their pace of killing each other. Alternatively, we get asked to stay, which leads to hard decisions. The mullahs will keep killing whether or not we're there, so why should our men and women stay in harm's way when the people generally continue to put up with the level of violence? And we're re-upping our involvement in Afghanistan ... with what I think will be predictable results - we can influence events while we're there. When we ease back, the loons come out of the woodwork. In the meantime, our fighting men and women do the best they can with the orders they're given. And some die, doing their duty. Our condolences to the families and units of the fallen.
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Visit the rest of the DAYNOTES GANG, a collection of bright minds and sharp wits. Really, I don't know why they tolerate me <grin>. My personal inspiration for these pages is Dr. Jerry Pournelle. I am also indebted to Bob Thompson and Tom Syroid for their patience, guidance and feedback. Of course, I am sustained by and beholden to my lovely wife, Marcia. You can find her online too, at http://www.dutchgirl.net/. Thanks for dropping by.
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