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GRAFFITI -- October 27 thru November 02, 2003>> Link to the Current Week <<Last Week << Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun >> Next Week Welcome to Orb Graffiti, a place for me to write daily about life and computers. Contrary to popular belief, the two are not interchangeable. About eMail - I publish email sometimes. If you send me an email and you want privacy or anonymity, please say so clearly at the beginning of your message.. |
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October 27, 2003 - Updates at 0652
Good morning. A busy week ahead. Yesterday, I packed up the linen closet and medicine cache. Then I broke down all of Marcia's sewing and cutting tables for transport, and disassmbled the guest room, so that we can stack more boxes downstairs. Meanwhile, Marcia packed living room and kitchen stuff. T minus 5 days and counting. I've got cable and phone service cutting over on Friday, too.
This will be a week of brevity around here, except when I need a break from the bustle and the hustle, to sit and share a bit with y'all. Thanks for your patience... Have a great day!
October 28, 2003 - Updates at
No post.
October 29, 2003 - Updates at 0645
Good morning. I'm still short of time, and sleep. I was babysitting a mail server into the wee hours last night, making sure it didn't blow chunks while handling a large mailing list. This client box just doesn't seem stable. What to do, what to do? It was stable before, and we haven't changed anything major. Sigh. Anyway, I saw a great bumper sticker on the drive home the other night: Forget World Peace, Visualize Using Your Turn Signals. Now I must go, see you later.
Mon Tues Wed
October 30, 2003 - Updates at 0700
Good morning. We're getting down to the wire now. Last night I broke down my desk, packed a few more things in here, then re-assembled the electronics so that everything continues to work until tomorrow morning, when I take key bits over to the new house for cable and phone service turn-on. Tonight I'll break it all down and pack it up, and do the same with the stereo gear. Wow, a lot to do, yet, I'd best not make too many lists or I'll scare myself, right before Halloween.
Today, Larry and I are going over to pitch NERDS to a potential new customer, so I'm all gussied up, relatively. I guess I'd better tie my wingtips and be on my way. See ya soonish - no guarantees on my connectivity for a couple to a few days, though.
October 31, 2003 - Updates at 0700
Good morning. The day has almost arrived. Important things are already in motion, though - the phones stopped working here already. That means it's time for me to gather the first batch of things electronique and head over to the new house. There's a cable modem to install, phones to test, and several other chores I have in mind. Thanks for your patience with me as we come down to the wire and across. More information coming your way as events permit. Later...
November 01, 2003 - Updates at 2234
We're IN, the stereo/TV setup is done. My computers are done. The bedroom is put together, furniture in place, some stuff unpacked there. I am so freaking tired, I can't begin to see straight. THink Marty Feldman, if you must. And joy of joys, I get to clean over at the old place, most of the day tomorrow.
I'll be looking forward to work, so I can relax a bit... GRIN. Now to grab a shower, and wind down a bit. See you sometime tomorrow, probably. Hey, here's a question... I want to put another wireless hub in Marcia's office. Can I get it to participate in the same network with the WAP here in my office? Let me know, if you know, please... See ya later!
Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat
November 02, 2003 - Updates at 0858
Good morning - A brief followup to last night's late post: Enough lazing about for me, it's time to get into my working togs and start cleaning at the old place. I can honestly say I'm not looking forward to it, but that I'll do a good job anyway. I'll see you later, probably, or tomorrow, depending on my energy.
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Visit the rest of the DAYNOTES GANG, a collection of bright minds and sharp wits. Really, I don't know why they tolerate me <grin>. My personal inspiration for these pages is Dr. Jerry Pournelle. I am also indebted to Bob Thompson and Tom Syroid for their patience, guidance and feedback. Of course, I am sustained by and beholden to my lovely wife, Marcia. You can find her online too, at http://www.dutchgirl.net/. Thanks for dropping by.
All Content Copyright © 1999-2003 Brian P. Bilbrey.