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GRAFFITI -- January 08, 2007 thru January 14, 2007>> Link to the Current Week <<Last Week << Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun >> Next Week Welcome to Orb Graffiti, a place for me to write daily about life and computers. Contrary to popular belief, the two are not interchangeable. About eMail - I publish email sometimes. If you send me an email and you want privacy or anonymity, please say so clearly at the beginning of your message. |
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January 8, 2007
0915 - Good morning. I'm smack in the middle of a four hour conference call. And Marcia's on a train to New York. I *love* Mondays. See y'all later.
January 9, 2007
2012 - Good evening. Paid the bills, played with the very needy dogs, collected and carted the trash to the curb, played some more with the very needy dogs, formatted Jerry's column for posting this morning, and collapsed in a heap. That was yesterday evening.
Today was another day of chaos, not made better by not sleeping well. I've got about 7 hours in total over the last two nights, so I'm a bit whacked now. I've got a couple of fun things to report, but I'll hold them for tomorrow. See ya.
January 10, 2007
0723 - Good morning. Codeweavers has brought forth their new Crossover products: Crossover Linux (formerly Crossover Office), and Crossover Mac. Yeah, run (some) Windows apps on Mac OS X without Parallels or Bootcamp (or even a Windows license from MS). It runs Half Life 2 just fine, too. Better so far than either Windows or the Transgaming version of Wine. </shrug>
Jennifer is coming up from Atlanta on business. She'll fly up early and spend a day or two with us this upcoming weekend, before going down to Virginia for the working part of her trip. That's fun news, because Jen is my bacon buddy. Marcia sorta likes bacon, but hates the smell of it being prepared. Jen is a bacon fiend like me. So when she comes to visit, I get to make bacon.
Oh, and I'm still considering a MacBook Pro. Probably a bad idea, because I really don't need (not need, not as such) more processing power here than I have now. And if I did, getting a new mobo, more RAM, etc. would be a wiser choice, since I can't cart a personal laptop to work and connect it to the net there (policy under new management).
Eclectic musical tastes? Here are the most recent six songs from the random playlist:
Dire Straits - Once Upon A Time In The West Sequentia - Symphonia / Symphonia: O quam mirabilis George Strait - Do The Right Thing The New York Choral Society - Keresimesi Qdun De O Phil Collins - Take Me Home Dixie Dregs - Take It Off The Top
That's enough fun for now. Have a great hump day!
January 11, 2007
1944 - Gaaaaar! Did I mention Black Tuesday? I thought not. Microsoft made it blacker by not patching any of the actively attacked Word document vulnerabilities. And they pulled four patches from the proposed release just under the wire last Friday. What do you suppose goes on in the minds of the engineers there when they know that customers are getting whacked with the results of bad code, and something delays the patch release. Aaaaargh! springs to mind.
It was another frustrating day at the grindstone. Now I'm listening to Beethoven's Sixth Symphony to soothe the savage BOfH. I'm looking forward to a day where I don't provide end-user support for a product that I don't understand except to know that it doesn't work consistently. Right or wrong, give me consistency, pretty please. And I have network reconfiguration requirements being jammed down my throat by people who haven't even taken the time to understand the type of organization they're trying to integrate with ... grrrr. I think I'll need some Vivaldi next.
And I just opened my work mailbox. That was a mistake. Lets make that a double Vivaldi, please... At least it'll be Friday tomorrow.
January 12, 2007
No Post.....
January 13, 2007
1637 - Yo. A moderately lazy day today, much needed to unwind from the week. It helps my attitude vastly to have Marcia home again, needless to say. Today I ran out mid-morning, hit the bank and the post office, then the home center to get some lumber. I finally built a bench for the bench-top Jointer/Planer that Marcia got me for Christmas over two years ago. About time, don't you think?
Not much else to report. So I'll check email, then relax some more. Have a happy weekend.
January 14, 2007
1246 - Good afternoon. The cute and tolerant puppies let us sleep in this morning. I rolled out of bed just past nine. Marcia got up a few minutes later, when the smell of fresh-brewed coffee started to fill the house. I fed the dogs, and played with them until Marcia came down. The dogs are really good at helping me reduce internal stresses. Now we've finished our shopping, and I can have my breakfast of champions ... chocolate-covered donuts.
With Jennifer coming to visit tonight, I'm going to use the meat-grinder attachment to make some superior ground lamb/beef/pork to use in a red sauce over Barilla Plus multi-grain pasta. That and garlic bread should make a nice meal, don't you think?
I got an email the other day from a mother of one of the young men who gave their lives for us in Iraq. She gave me permission to post it here today...
Dear Brian, It just drives me crazy when I read the reports of Cpl Joseph Blanco, our son Spc James Costello, and PFC George Roehl. They drove over an IED implanted on the road they were on, their Bradley was full of gasoline and a lot of ammuntion. They however didn't survive the initial blast. The report says they came under fire, however, I believe it was the unit, who tried to retrieve them, came under fire. I truly have to believe that the Lord swooped them up, as soon as they hit the IED. Unfortunately, a 4th soldier, was able to be retrieved, PFC Devon Gibbons, and he survived 10 more weeks, with a broken back, exposed bowels, 2 legs and an arm amputated! Their Staff Sgt was the only one to survive, as he was blown out of the Bradley! Thank you for your care and concern! A grieving family! The Costello's |
And every name I post here on these Sundays has a family who suffers their loss far more than I can. I'm proud of our forces and the work that they do, but I hope that the Administration finds a strategy/policy path to let them finish their job and come home, sooner rather than later. And our debt to their sacrifices just continues to mount...
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Visit the rest of the DAYNOTES GANG, a collection of bright minds and sharp wits. Really, I don't know why they tolerate me <grin>. My personal inspiration for these pages is Dr. Jerry Pournelle. I am also indebted to Bob Thompson and Tom Syroid for their patience, guidance and feedback. Of course, I am sustained by and beholden to my lovely wife, Marcia. You can find her online too, at http://www.dutchgirl.net/. Thanks for dropping by.
All Content Copyright © 1999-2011 Brian P. Bilbrey.
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