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GRAFFITI -- May 12, 2008 thru May 18, 2008>> Link to the Current Week <<Last Week << Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun >> Next Week Welcome to Orb Graffiti, a place for me to write daily about life and computers. Contrary to popular belief, the two are not interchangeable. About eMail - I publish email sometimes. If you send me an email and you want privacy or anonymity, please say so clearly at the beginning of your message. |
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May 12, 2008
2118 - Good evening. By Saturday afternoon, when the first phase of the storms was done, we'd run the gauge up to 7.38", nearly 2.8" of rain in a couple of days. That's pretty good for this area in my shallow experience. On Sunday midday, it not having rained for about 24 hours, I got everything mowed because they said more rain was coming in, and I didn't want to contend with foot-high grass next weekend.
More rain came in. Near four inches worth in the last 24 hours. Now that's abundance. We're up by 6.72" in the last four days, well outpacing the entire month of April (which was a bit dryish). But yow! This morning, I checked on the sump pump: it was firing off about once every three minutes. It reminded me that I probably want to consider a battery-backed secondary pump for the purpose. At today's flow rates, Marcia could call me at work at the moment the power went off, and I'd still not make it home in time to get the generator rigged and plugged up to the sump pump. That'd suck.
Nothing else to report at the moment. Work, chores, life... all progress at their pace. Ciao!
May 13, 2008
No Post..
May 14, 2008
![]() Lucy licking her chops during LucyTV |
1901 - Good evening. A busy day. It ends with relaxing, at least a little bit. Lucy still likes LucyTV wherever she can find it. Since we picked up a small storage footstool at Bed, Bath and Beyond, she's perfectly happy to hang out with me for hours on end, quivering at the effrontery of people she doesn't know walking through her world. There's the occasional growl or mad fit of barking (spaniel? Mad fit? Who'da thunk?), but mostly she's content to sit and watch.
A fresh damp spot appeared in the ceiling in the upstairs hall sometime after Sunday night's rains. Marcia emailed me about it Tuesday morning. I called our roofing folks over at American Eagle Remodeling last night - Brian and John were out this morning with their crew foreman, Omar. I'd identified the problem as being the flashing around the main vent stack for the furnace. Omar went up - it looked as though the wind (we had heavy winds from an unusual direction on Sunday night) had caught the edge of the flashing and bent it up, then forced the rain water in. He's remediated the situation up top, and I'll do some work to the ceiling in the hall once it's dried out. Very responsive folks, good to say.
Thereafter I hared off back to work, scarfed a quick lunch, and headed down to a TLA, downtown. Following a background check, I was due a badge to certify that I was okay to work on systems that support that TLA and it's data. Today was badge day. It was about two hours all told, there and back again. I'm also learning a lot about the latest version of the commercial Tripwire products. I'm moderately impressed (and that's likely to improve as I learn enough to project the power of the product properly upon the systems I watch over).
Marcia's knee is greatly improved, and she's already two-legging it up the stairs (though not down, yet) - but that's ahead of schedule, according to the doc.
That's all the news there is ... Oh, yeah. More rain. Great. Ciao!
May 15, 2008
2029 - Expect to run into SSH host and client key problems over the coming days and weeks, as new OpenSSH packages that fix a weakness in the randomness of something or other require new host keys to be created, and blacklist client public/private keypairs after the upgrade. I was unable to connect to home from work yesterday, after updating one end or the other (or both). Exploring the problem last night, I found this in /var/log/auth.log:
May 14 19:06:37 magickthyse sshd[12894]: Public key 70:6b:e1:8f:c2:ba:5c:fa:b2:3d:55:09:a0:5c:69:8b blacklisted (see ssh-vulnkey(1))
Sigh. I generated a new keypair, and mailed myself the public key, and put it in the authorized_keys file. Now it works fine. But I've got a lot of systems that need that new key in place before they start getting updated and rejecting my overtures. Heh.
Actually, it's a lot less funny than that. SANS pushed the Infocon to Yellow today, for this issue. If your public-private ssh client keys were generated on a vulnerable system, then ANY system that has your public key in a ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file is vulnerable in that account. My public keypair here was generated back in '02, and isn't a problem, which is good, because the other end of that chain is in many places. I'm glad not to be causing a problem, neh?
Oh, and joy. More rain's coming in. We're headed for a record-shattering month of May in rainfall, if we get a few more inches. We're already well over normal (whatever that is). Be well. Ciao!
May 16, 2008
No Post.....
May 17, 2008
1937 - Good evening. Another 7/10" of rain. So last night I painted. Thursday night, I cut in all of the upper wall color coat. Last night I painted in the field. Today, after mowing front and back, I cut in all the way around the lower wall (chair rail, detailing and all), then rolled in the field. I still have to clean up brushes and rollers, and I'm whacked. Tomorrow, after shopping, it's going to be a big maintenance window at work on some Linux boxen. I'll check in with y'all after that. Ciao!
May 18, 2008
2159 - Good evening. Whew. A full day and week. You already know what I did, so I'll move along, noting that it rained another eighth of an inch today - 7.54 inches so far in May (about 3" over normal, with 13 more days to go).
Three lost to enemy action, and two more besides. A better day than most Sundays of late ... not good enough that I had nothing to report, of course. Not good enough that the assorted groups of Islamics have decided to stop killing each other, or our troops when the opportunity presents. Our condolences to the families and units of the fallen.
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Visit the rest of the DAYNOTES GANG, a collection of bright minds and sharp wits. Really, I don't know why they tolerate me <grin>. My personal inspiration for these pages is Dr. Jerry Pournelle. I am also indebted to Bob Thompson and Tom Syroid for their patience, guidance and feedback. Of course, I am sustained by and beholden to my lovely wife, Marcia. You can find her online too, at http://www.dutchgirl.net/. Thanks for dropping by.
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