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GRAFFITI -- September 21, 2009 thru September 27, 2009>> Link to the Current Week <<Last Week << Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun >> Next Week Welcome to Orb Graffiti, a place for me to write daily about life and computers. Contrary to popular belief, the two are not interchangeable. About eMail - I publish email sometimes. If you send me an email and you want privacy or anonymity, please say so clearly at the beginning of your message. |
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September 21, 2009
2013 - Technical eye-glazing prose ahead — You Have Been Warned. I was reading the other day that the Metatag "refresh" had been deprecated by W3C. Wait, what? Since when? Oh, since 2000. Huh. Now here's the reasoning, according to the PC (and I don't mean Personal Computer) people at W3C: Content developers sometimes create pages that refresh or change without the user requesting the refresh. This automatic refresh can be very disorienting to some users.
I like disoriented readers. What? You're not disoriented? At least, not by me? I am downcast! You see, the way I (and many others) use refresh is to provide a redirector service to prevent you from having to go to my home page then click on another link, and perhaps another to find this page. You've bookmarked my Current page, which simply redirects you to the most recent Graffiti page.
What's that you ask over there on the right? No, which page you get directed to is configured manually, by me, each time I plunk out a new week's page, as I am tonight. Unlike much of the infrastructural content on each of these weekly pages (generated by PHP and some variables I set at the top of each page), it's easiest for me to change a couple of characters on the Current page each week, and push that up to the server at the same time.
You never (really, never) want to stop on the Current page. All it contains is a link to this (current week), should you have manually disabled HTML refresh in your browser. That's why the Current page has a clickable link, as well as the refresh in the HTML head section. The refresh metatag can be used, properly, to orient people as easily as disorient. But one day in the future, browsers will stop heeding that refresh, and I'll have to do something more painful (for me) to get you to where you want to go.
I trust one or more of you kind souls will let me know when that starts happening? Thanks!
If you can't bear to watch television award shows, but you want to know how an Emmy award show can go horribly wrong, click that GooTube link there. But wait ... Penny isn't dead???? Ciao!
September 22, 2009
2136 - I'm clearly going to have agonies in keeping my big mouth shut (figuratively speaking) during this bonehead english course I'm required to take. Here's a sample of a "good" thesis statement from an exercise in the course modules for Writing 101 at UMUC:
Negative attitudes in the workplace toward colleagues who stutter can be effectively addressed with sensitivity training on speech communication disorders.
Of course, the part of me weaned on Monty Python wants to paste that into the class forums, then shout, "You're doing it wrong! Negative attitudes in the workplace toward colleagues who stutter can be effectively addressed by mocking them incessantly until they learn how to speak effectively and intelligibly. Hilarity for the mockers (improving morale) and either silence or improved diction from the stuttuttuttererers will ensue." Yeah, I'm gonna be a popular bloke, eh? Most of them probably haven't seen A Fish Called Wanda, and before I'm done, I'll discover that at least one had its sense of humor surgically removed (I say "its" to ensure there's no gender bias (I just threw up a little bit)) Ciao!
September 23, 2009
No Post...
September 24, 2009
2238 - I haven't forgotten, I'm just busy as all get out. I wrote an off-the-cuff two page paper last night in an hour, along with other online exercises. Tonight, more of the same, and reading in the texts and online modules in prep for yet another week one writing assignment. This course is heavily front-loaded. I was supposed to roast coffee tonight, and didn't get to it. I did get some remote work done, though. Too tired to read now, going to bed. Ciao!
September 25, 2009
No Post.....
September 26, 2009
2121 - Still bloody busy. Doing coordinated work remotely for the office at the moment, in between reading for the WRTG 101 class and whatnot. Today's big news? I traded in the Big Gulp for a Sippy Cup. That's right, I'm now driving a black 2010 Prius instead of the 4 Runner. Gas prices were fine when I bought the large, safe-feeling beast. But month in and month out, I've been laying out quite a lot of cash. This will do more than cut my gas bills in half. That's a good thing. Now, back to the hurry-up-and-wait routine for tonight's work. Ciao!
September 27, 2009
2125 - Didn't buy gas today (but it was a full tank yesterday, so that doesn't count, I guess). Did the shopping this morning, roasted coffee, and minced about 3 pounds of hot peppers for freezing in small containers. Made a road trip to Home Depot with a neighbor to pick up some lawn care goodies (on both our behalfs), and roasted more coffee. Did the balance of this week's unhinged load of course work, too. Tired, since work didn't wrap up until about midnight last night. But first...
The news is full of talking heads wonking (wanking?) on about the confidential memo from General McChrystal (thanks, oh anonymous leaker) asking for more troops. The heads all wank on about Vietnam, instead of comparing this to the surge (that worked) in Iraq just last year. We're in, and we need to finish what we started, or things are going to be a lot worse (my prediction, as useful as an astrologer's, to be sure). Do you want the Taliban and their buddies running your neighborhood? We walk, they kill anyone who was nice or not actively against us, put women back in purdah, and start planning how to attack us with all the newly disaffected folks who have nowhere else to turn, since we abandoned them. We can't go in, then run away. Rather, we should not. Our folks are fighting and dying over there for a reason. Let's finish what was started. Our condolences to the families and units of the fallen.
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Visit the rest of the DAYNOTES GANG, a collection of bright minds and sharp wits. Really, I don't know why they tolerate me <grin>. My personal inspiration for these pages is Dr. Jerry Pournelle. I am also indebted to Bob Thompson and Tom Syroid for their patience, guidance and feedback. Of course, I am sustained by and beholden to my lovely wife, Marcia. You can find her online too, at http://www.dutchgirl.net/. Thanks for dropping by.
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