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GRAFFITI -- February 01, 2010 thru February 07, 2010>> Link to the Current Week <<Last Week << Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun >> Next Week Welcome to Orb Graffiti, a place for me to write daily about life and computers. Contrary to popular belief, the two are not interchangeable. About eMail - I publish email sometimes. If you send me an email and you want privacy or anonymity, please say so clearly at the beginning of your message. |
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February 1, 2010
1949 - Hola! How was that for a Monday? Mine was fine, thanks. And thanks, again, to the overnight dreams about being at work that made this entire day feel like a double shift </sarcasm> Temps were up into the 30's today, tomorrow more of the same, with wintery mix and snow thrown in. Then snow in the forecast for Friday through Sunday. Go us! All the Monday evening chores are done, and I'm working my way through the assigned reading for the writing class this week. From certain perspectives, it might seem wise to skip the reading, and just turn in the assignments, then collect my 'A' at the end of the session. Seriously, though, what's the point of paying to be in school if I don't give 100% to try to learn something, even from those classes I'm taking to fill in the check boxes.
In other news, I'm glad to see that Barbara and her folks are okay, too! I think next time, if asked, I'll recommend that she just stay over a couple of extra days, and miss the storm on the backend. Certainly through our part of the world, the forecast had the road crews caught off guard - there wasn't any treatment going down through the first few hours of the storm outside of the freeways around MD. But then, all we were supposed to get on Saturday last was "partly cloudy". Yeah, I got 7" of "partly cloudy", heh. Now, back to the reading, with a bowl of Marcia's yummy stew in my tummy, making me sleepy. Ciao!
February 2, 2010
No Post..
February 3, 2010
1901 - And no excuse, either. I just didn't get to it last night. I completed a writing assignment, though, and reading for the other class. I also got everything aligned for jury duty, today, but 6 inches of overnight snow closed many things, including the PG County Circuit Court. So, no pressing the button for me today. Just work, instead — the roads really weren't bad at all. However, we have another big storm coming up for Friday and Saturday. Currently they're predicting something on the scale of December's storm, which dropped about 18" on us here. As of now, we're at about 30" cumulative for the season, which is double the "normal" 15 inch seasonal snowfall. My guess: we're going to be at 4X before Spring. But no prizes if I'm wrong. Now, back to the schoolwork, and roasting coffee. Ciao!
February 4, 2010
2148 - Just about finished with the schoolwork for the week. One bit of amusement: the CMIT textbook I have for the CMIT class, Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure Configuration, uses an example company called "Engulf and Devour". Hmmm, I wonder .... And the snow's still coming. I'll go to work tomorrow morning, but when the snow starts falling, I'm going to call it a day. Now I'll call it a night. Ciao!
February 5, 2010
No post.....
February 6, 2010
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1931 - Yeah, I got home safe yesterday - the snow was just starting when work effectively let out for the day. I took advantage of the opportunity to bake some bread. Then, in the evening, I shoveled out the first 8 inches and made a path and a landing pad for Molly. I thought it might help come morning. As you can see from the second picture, taken after I re-shoveled out a path for Molly this morning, we had a heck of a storm. From the time that snap was taken, about 8 more inches fell. The range of snow depths around the property run from 27" to over 4' in the higher drifts. Average appears to be about 32".
I got out this morning at about 0645 to shovel for Molly before she woke up and needed it. Then, shortly after 0800, I headed out to do the driveway, sidewalks, etc. The et cetera turned out to be one neighbor's driveway, and sidewalks well up and down the street on my side, working into the neighbor's territory just to help out. So, about 5 hours of shoveling and snow blowering to start, then another hour to clean up the last of the storm, just around dark this evening. There's no more to report because that was all there was. Oh, yeah, and the power keeps doing that funky yo-yo action. And for that, we're lucky, since there are a lot of folks that have been without power since the middle of last night. Wish them luck. Ciao!
February 7, 2010
1912 - I had to get me and another cow-orker to the office today to deal with a couple of issues - everyone else is still waiting for the plows to show up. So I took the Prius out skating. All told about 2.5 hours of driving, slow, slow. When I'm on packed snow, or snow and ice, several inches above the roadway, does that make my Prius an off-road vehicle? Anyway, all's good, home safe and sound long before the nightly re-freeze. Why so much ice? It's cold enough that the road treatment chems don't really work - it was ~10°F this morning, and only came up to the high 20's during the day. Some roads more passable later in the day. Most were not, however. And eeek, out of coffee (that's roasted). So I'm taking a break between batches to get this update out. Then I can relax (at work) for a day before gearing up for the next snowfall, due after noon on Tuesday and into Wednesday. Huzzzzzzah!
It may be cold here, but sadly, combat appears to be heating up again in Afghanistan. We lost 11 warriors, as reported by DoD in the last week. Our condolences to the families and units of the fallen.
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Visit the rest of the DAYNOTES GANG, a collection of bright minds and sharp wits. Really, I don't know why they tolerate me <grin>. My personal inspiration for these pages is Dr. Jerry Pournelle. I am also indebted to Bob Thompson and Tom Syroid for their patience, guidance and feedback. Of course, I am sustained by and beholden to my lovely wife, Marcia. You can find her online too, at http://www.dutchgirl.net/. Thanks for dropping by.
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