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GRAFFITI -- February 08, 2010 thru February 14, 2010>> Link to the Current Week <<Last Week << Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun >> Next Week Welcome to Orb Graffiti, a place for me to write daily about life and computers. Contrary to popular belief, the two are not interchangeable. About eMail - I publish email sometimes. If you send me an email and you want privacy or anonymity, please say so clearly at the beginning of your message. |
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February 8, 2010
No Post.
February 9, 2010
1902 - Last night's dance card was full. I got Jerry's February Column formatted and posted on CMR, along with all the normal Monday night stuff. Some of that was needless, since neither trash nor recycling pickup happened today, but who knew? The PG County website sure wasn't telling. Montgomery County says for their residents, but what they said today is, roughly, "See ya next week. Good luck!" Heh.
I was at the dentist's office by 0640. That was way early, but I'd left plenty of leeway for zany drivers and funky road conditions. Half an hour later, I was in the chair, Terese had me pinned with a mouthfull of stainless steel sharp things. Overall a good visit, nothing negative found, keep up the good work, see you in four months. So, that was that. I was at work for a few hours thereafter, knocked out a few chores and tickets. I was also waiting for the delivery of my Behmor 1600 Coffee Roaster, purchased from Sweet Maria's. That came, I had lunch and one more task, and I was outta there.
The Behmor is very nice. I did the empty burn-in run, as recommended, let it cool for a while, then went for a half-pound run, twice what the old roaster would do. Worked like a champ. Now have lots of coffee on hand. You *know* that means that the power's going out, right? Yeah, high winds due tomorrow, and another 10-20" of snow. Lucky, lucky us.
Tonight I've got schoolwork, I'd better get cracking. Ciao!
February 10, 2010
2127 - Today: Blizzard. Schoolwork. Work-work. Made chili with meats, beans, last summer's red sauce and peppers. Yum. Tomorrow: Shovelling. More shovelling. Exhaustion. Everything I did on Saturday and Sunday has been filled in, and added to. Think several words, all exactly the same, and all starting with 'F'. Right. I might note one thing, though. Some will think of this as the Great DC Storms of 2010. I will memorialize it as the week without Dockers. Yeah. Ciao!
February 11, 2010
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1353 - Pictures above. Upper left - the view out my office windows as the blizzard was on, Wednesday afternoon. Medium visibility in that shot. At times, the trees 100 feet from the house became almost invisible. Upper right - That's what the deck looked like this morning. No, I'm not digging it out. I'm going to make a sign, "Al Gore's Newest Glacier", and post it. Lower right - the whole front of the house, with some of the dug-out driveway visible. Lots of freaking snow. Lower left - The snow is deeper than the thrower snout on my snow blower. The process was this: dig down the wall about one foot wider. Three passes with the snow blower to clear the crud. Repeat, seemingly infinitely.
Again today, I also helped dig out a couple of neighbors. It's straight shovel work out by the street, as it's plowed-up ice, not light, happy snow. I seriously wish I could clear the snow from the edges of the roof, to help prevent ice dams. But I can't get there - not safely, not at all. Okay, back to whatever I need to work on next, probably a bit of schoolwork. Ciao!
February 12, 2010
2138 - And so ends the Week In Jeans, or equivalently (in a negative sense), the Week Without Dockers. Some will certainly call it the storm of the century or some such nonsense. That's so 'not about me'! Me? I shoveled. Yeah. And the whole week was casual dress. I dig that. I dig that a lot. Very freaking tired, though. G'night.
February 13, 2010
2214 - We got out to do the shopping a day early, since Marcia needed some supplies to take to church tomorrow. That, shoveling out the mailbox further, and some carpet removal in the remodel rooms pretty much filled my day. Tonight we watched the most recent Harry Potter film again. Time to read for a bit. Ciao!
February 14, 2010
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2102 - I was out front for a while this morning, and noticed that the snow-load had snapped one of two main trunks on the tall shrub that anchors one end of our front fence run. It wasn't a particularly pretty plant, nor very symmetrical. But it was taller than the fence, and looked nice there. Now I'm going to have to find something else to anchor that corner ... once the snow is all gone. The county has had a couple of front end loaders working in the neighborhood today, making roads wider. They're doing so by making 6' high sound walls of snow along the roads.Yow!
I finished up clearing the floor in one of the two remodel rooms. All of the carpet, pad, and tack strip is up, and the staples are all out. I'm going to go over the floor one more time for popped nails. I'll also set a few screws into high-traffic subfloor joints near the door, to cut down on future squeakaged. In the next week I'll finish the prep work in room 1, then move all the gear into there and clear the carpet, etc. from room two, going through the same process. Then I can caulk a few areas, and I'll be ready for primer.
Supper tonight was pork chops, green beans, and homemade cheesy garlic biscuits (using this recipe, and I did substitute fresh minced garlic for the garlic powder). Dessert was the chocolate cake that came from Omaha Steaks, courtesy of my sister and her family as a Christmas gift. Yum.
It's Valentine's Day, but we have a lot of Armed Forces personnel overseas, in harm's way and far from loved ones. Our condolences to the families and units of Seargent Ray and Private Alvarez.
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Visit the rest of the DAYNOTES GANG, a collection of bright minds and sharp wits. Really, I don't know why they tolerate me <grin>. My personal inspiration for these pages is Dr. Jerry Pournelle. I am also indebted to Bob Thompson and Tom Syroid for their patience, guidance and feedback. Of course, I am sustained by and beholden to my lovely wife, Marcia. You can find her online too, at http://www.dutchgirl.net/. Thanks for dropping by.
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